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I'm unable to login and access "My Account" details with TPG.




Our customer relations team will be taking over your account and a case officer will be in contact with you within 24 hours to discuss your My Account and Webspace inquiry. 




Level 2

@Angeli wrote:



if you do not have a passport or license, do you have a proof of age card? 

I had to Google what a "proof of age card" was, and no I don't have one.
Is that something that a 76 year person would have?

Level 2

Regarding me not knowing my TPG account number...
I've just found a printed sheet of info that I received from TPG a long time ago, and in brackets after my email address in the "account and configuration details", are 7 numbers. Would that be my TPG account number?

Level 2

It's been three days and I haven't been contacted by anyone from the "customer relations team".


@Angeli wrote:



Our customer relations team will be taking over your account and a case officer will be in contact with you within 24 hours to discuss your My Account and Webspace inquiry. 





Not applicable

Hi @daveoz 


We can confirm that the complaint investigation is still ongoing; our complaints team is not available during weekends. Expect updates tomorrow via email, SMS, or phone call.






Level 2

What about the case officer from the customer relations team....will he/she still be contacting me?...

"Our customer relations team will be taking over your account and a case officer will be in contact with you within 24 hours to discuss your My Account and Webspace inquiry."


@Anonymous wrote:

Hi @daveoz 


We can confirm that the complaint investigation is still ongoing; our complaints team is not available during weekends. Expect updates tomorrow via email, SMS, or phone call.








Hi @daveoz 


Yes, your case manager will contact you within the day.



Level 2

I received a phone call from my case manager today, and when she mentioned the photo ID that's required I said I might have an old driver's licence. I was having trouble understanding her but I think she said to look for it and that she'd call back later today. I couldn't find the driver's licence so it's probably ended up in the rubish bin. I'm now waiting for her to call back.

It's been said that being unable to verify who I am is why I'm unable to access the TPG "My Account" section, but if I'm not who I say I am....
How can I access my emails in TPG's "Post Office"?
And how can I be talking to you when you call the phone number that's under my name and address in the South Australian online "White Pages" phone directory?
And how can I access my bank details and see that my last Visa credit card payment to TPG was on 3/5/2023?



Hi @daveoz


We've passed on your new post to the assigned case manager and she will be in contact with you today regarding this matter. 




Level 2

Can someone tell me when TPG's "complimentary" webspace will be closed down?


And can someone also tell me when the webspace, that was included in the TPG "plan" that I started paying for 23 years ago, became "complimentary"?