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Resetting Account Password on NBN

Level 2

I am trying to assist my Aunty to setup her new PC. We have the username and password to log into Post Office to see her emails, however when we try that username and password to log in to the My Account section, it does not work. 


I am trying to setup Outlook 2016 for her but the Post Office email address and password combination is not working. I cannot get onto Tech Support for assistance - is the My Account password the password I need to use in Outlook? If so, if I reset the password using the Forgotten Password tool, will that stop her NBN service from working?


Logon to, select Post Office and use the userid and password that you have and see if that is valid. If valid, you may want to keep it or think of a new one.


Here's the info on the forgotten password tool:

Forgot your TPG account password?


You will need to save the new password setting in the wifi router; that's something that is always mentioned in these posts.

Level 2

We can log into the Post Office using the email address and password, but the same email address and password does not work for Outlook 2016. 


My Aunty has a Hauwei router - where would we put the username and password? I have looked at each settings page on the router and there is nowhere to put it in


Have a look at this.

You are only interested in this bit: 3. CONFIGURING MODEM step C and D. Then click Save.


How to set up Huawei HG 659 modem for Windows 10

Changing the router should be the last thing done.


I don't know why the password that works in Post Office doesn't work in Outlook, unless Outlook is mis-configured elsewhere.