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Level 2



I have returned from overseas in mid January this year and basically not used international roaming and have been trying to get my $500 credit back for 3 MONTHS!!!


Called TPG in mid January after returning from overseas and had roaming turned off and was advised $500 credit would be returned shortly - didn't happen. I subsequently made at least another 7 or 8 calls on this matter, every time the operator asks me to wait 5 working days and then nothing happens.


I've asked to speak to manager/supervisor or complaints department the last few times and they always say they are not available. They always say someone from customer relations will give me a call but I NEVER EVER GET A CALL BACK!!! Then I call again wait and tell the whole story again and nothing happens and it repeats itself driving me crazy, already close to 10 times and I've wasted countless hours.


I don't know what to do anymore, all I want is my $500 credit back, its been 3 months and still no one is willing to help me. I used to think TPG service is not bad but recently its been extremely poor, not to mention the 3 weeks my internet was down recently and technician NO SHOWED 6 TIMES!!! 


If I still can't get my credit back this week I will have to make complaints to the Ombudsman/ACCC/Fair Trading.


Welcome to the Community @monkeymates.


We'd like to check on the status of your credit as it should only take 30 days after you turn off the international roaming.


Shoot me a PM with your mobile or customer ID number to assist you further.



Level 2

Private message sent to BasilDV with my details. 


Lets see how we go...

Not applicable

We've got your details. This has been raised to our Complaints resolution team for immediate handling and investigation, expect them to contact you via SMS/Phone call or Email when the assessment result becomes available.

Private message sent to BasilDV with my details. 


Lets see how we go...

Level 2

Complaint handling is another Joke mate. they would never call back as its standard in TPG to never call back customer or provide an update. Doesn't matter how urgent the matter is or even if its TPG's fault which is the case most of the time.

Level 2

i got an email assigning a case manager to me saying it will be done within 5-10 banking days (heard that about 7-8 times before already with previous operators...), which has now passed. I called last week in which they just asked me to wait and this it should be done but it hasn't and no one has called or emailed me to provide and update. At least now I have a case manager which is assigned to me which I'll have to follow up again wasting my own time again. Nearly 4 months now since I first requested my $500 credit back. I really regret turning on the international roaming in the first place... all this stress and time spend chasing this is really not worth it... I didn't even need to use the roaming it was just in case there some thing important back at home trying to reach me when I was overseas. I'll give it to the end of next week then I'll just lodge the complaint with the ombudsman.


Hi @monkeymates

Upon checking, the amount has been credited to your TPG account since April. You may log in to your TPG online account using TPG mobile or Customer ID number to check. 


Let us know if we can assist further. 



Level 2

It's been in the "TPG ACCOUNT" for a long time I know, how does that help me?


I've requested it multiple times to be put back onto my credit card - can someone finally help me???


Hi @monkeymates

I've reached out to the assigned Case Manager to contact you regarding the progress of the refund. 



Level 2

still don't have my refund after 4 months of trying and a whole month after complaining on this board and directly engaging with customer relations. 


This is still after every week contacting customer relations and getting the same response that it is coming...


they've even stopped reponding to my emails last week... 


can someone please tell me what I can do? why does TPG take the $500 hold so quick but refuse to return it when requested?