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I tried to update the details on the TPG website, but once I click the button to submit, I get a blank screen with the URL
Same issue as here:
I am trying to move house and use the same credit card that is on file but getting the following error when trying to do that as well: Epaymeth:cc_expired:
EDIT FIX: For anyone having the same issue in the future, once you get to this page and it doesnt go any futher,
Just hit the back button on your browser and press update details again. (even though you cant see the details in the C/C box) You will get a sucess msg
EDIT FIX: For anyone having the same issue in the future, once you get to this page and it doesnt go any futher,
Just hit the back button on your browser and press update details again. (even though you cant see the details in the C/C box) You will get a sucess msg