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Archer VR1600v v2 - firmware 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n

Level 2

I have issue with  Archer VR1600v v2 - firmware 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n


I can connect to the DDNS provider No-IP and it all works no problem but when the dynamic ip changes once a week on average, no-ip doesn't update the ip, I have to manually update the IP in on no-ip portal website.


is there a newer or working firmware for this?

Not applicable

Hi @ariana73 ,


Thanks for raising this to us, I can confirm that the the modem/router has the latest firmware version. Unfortunately there is no other way but to manually update the IP address everytime it changes.

Let us know should you require further assistance.





Level 2

Thank you for reply but I do not see the point of having the ddns function built in the in the modem/router firmware, the whole purpose is to have it auto update can you esculate this to level 2 or 3 technician?


is there a previous firmware we can try?

Level 2

latest firmware has broken the Dynamic DNS function


keep getting connecting -


Hi ariana73. When you say "it all works no problem", what exactly is that?

Did you create a free account for your domain name at no-ip?

Did you fill in those details in the router ddns page? Then select login?


Level 2

Hi Daavid64,


what i mean is I created a paid account with no-ip so i would not have to validate every 30days.


I then input these credentials in the router ddns page, I thne press save and then connect.


The router connects and works with the domain I created at no-ip account. "router says connected succefully"


approx 1 week from what i have noticed for last 3 weeks tpg changes the ip on the NBN this new ip does not take effect and is not updated on no-ip this has happened 3 times now.


so in short form the new ip that is given to me from tpg when it dynamically changes does not get updated on my no ip account and i have to travel to get the ip address and enter it manually again.

Not applicable

Hi @ariana73


We raised this to our Engineering Team for further investigation to see if there is a workaround to set an auto update to DDNS settings.




Hi Daavid64,


what i mean is I created a paid account with no-ip so i would not have to validate every 30days.


I then input these credentials in the router ddns page, I thne press save and then connect.


The router connects and works with the domain I created at no-ip account. "router says connected succefully"


approx 1 week from what i have noticed for last 3 weeks tpg changes the ip on the NBN this new ip does not take effect and is not updated on no-ip this has happened 3 times now.


so in short form the new ip that is given to me from tpg when it dynamically changes does not get updated on my no ip account and i have to travel to get the ip address and enter it manually again.


Hi ariana73. Do you still have problem with DDNS?

I created a free hostname at on 6th Jan. I checked the router each day to see when my ip address changed. It had changed sometime overnight when I checked this evening. The change was recorded at using their local time. But I can't say how long it takes for the change to propagate through the internet.  

My router has the same firmware version as yours.

With NBN, there must be lots of people using DDNS for their home servers. Next time it happens, you might contact; there might be some issue with your account.

I don't believe TPG is going to find a workaround.