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Bundle 100 slow speed

Level 2

Hi l have bundle 100 and l am getting unstable net connection at all times when someone is using their phones at home etc l am using wired connection to my pc while gaming but its high ping latency at all time when someone else is connected on the wifi and its just 2-3 phones on wifi...


Hi @gorannau . What type of NBN connection do you have? And what model wifi router?

What down and up speeds do you get with the speedtest on TPG support page?


Just to be clear about this.

If you turned off the wifi on your router, would you get stable connection and good latency in your game?

If you turn on the wifi and turn off the mobile phones, what then? If that's ok, just having the wifi on isn't the problem.

If you turn the mobile phones on but no-one is doing anything, what then? If that's ok, the phone itself isn't the problem.

When you have the problem, what are the people doing on the phones? Streaming movies? Just web browsing?


Hi @gorannau


We'll also wait for your responses from @david64's queries. 


You may PM us with your Customer ID/username and we'd be glad to assist. 



Level 2
Hi David sorry for my late response my router is Model Tp Link CX220-G2V and my bundle is download 100 and upload 18 l belive its called Bundle 100 so when my son is watching in the living room via chromecast and my wife is on the phone l am gaming for example l experience lags and high latency and its going up and down at all times …

Hi @gorannau, Is it time specific? Have you tried doing ping and trace route? What type of game are you playing and it via phone or PC/laptop? 


@gorannau . So, your son is getting a video on his phone through home wifi and sending it to chromecast (either via wifi direct or back through the home wifi).

Is your wife just making a phone call or is she watching a video as well?


Does the router have a QoS or Bandwidth setting? Is it enabled and are there any values in it?


You can use ping and tracert on your ethernet computer to check network delays.

ping -t

This pings the router. Response times should mainly be 1 ms but may vary a little. Let it run long enough until you think you should see long times, like in your game.

Use Control C to terminate.


tracert -h 3 tpg.

First address is your router. I believe second address is part of TPG on other side of NBN.

Do    ping -t     to the second address. Response times here should be several ms.


Level 2
Hi David on my first ping show 1ms at all times response time and second ping on tpg it varies from 1-2 ms

@gorannau . Your speed is faster than mine so those are good times.

Were they done while there was the other activity?

Do you know the hostame or ip address of your game server? 

You can do tracert to this address to see if there are network delays elsewhere.

You can have a   ping -t  command running in the background while you play your game. When the game shows lagging, see what the ping command is reporting. Stop it and do  tracert  .

You'll need comparison figures for when there is no lagging.