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Call of Duty - Modern Warfare Latency Issues

Level 2

Hey all, 


i can confirm from testing now the game was matchmaking for servers under 187ping, however when i joined the servers it appears my ping is normal at 2ms. I will continue to monitor and update if anything changes.


cod ping.jpg

Not applicable

Glad to know that @DarkDan 

Thanks for the update! 



Level 3
Are you getting ping spikes ?
Level 3

So fare so good. 3 game snow at around 15ms


Glad that the connection is looking good.


Let us know if you need further assistance.

Level 2

Unfortunately I am running into the same issue in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. I search for a game, can't find one, then inevitably join a 137 ping server, which inevitably becomes a 227 ping server. Happens the majority of matches in this game.


Hi @sunmoon19956 


What server are you connecting to?

What troubleshooting have you tried so far?


Are you connected via WiFi or Wired connection?

Was it working fine before?



Level 2
Hi BasilDV,

Apologies for the late reply.

In game, the connection information lists the server as being in Ryde NSW.

I am using a wired connection, and this was less common when the game launched in November.
Level 3

If you can source the IP address of the server run a tracert to the IP. When I had my issue there was one hop where it routed to Singapore and hit 190-200ms. I sent that tracert log to the TPG guys and they were able to resolve the issue in a couple hours 


Hi @sunmoon19956 


Take the advise from @Dschaffler12 and send it via Private Message along with your account details for us to check on it further.

