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Hey all,
i can confirm from testing now the game was matchmaking for servers under 187ping, however when i joined the servers it appears my ping is normal at 2ms. I will continue to monitor and update if anything changes.
So fare so good. 3 game snow at around 15ms
Glad that the connection is looking good.
Let us know if you need further assistance.
Unfortunately I am running into the same issue in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. I search for a game, can't find one, then inevitably join a 137 ping server, which inevitably becomes a 227 ping server. Happens the majority of matches in this game.
What server are you connecting to?
What troubleshooting have you tried so far?
Are you connected via WiFi or Wired connection?
Was it working fine before?
If you can source the IP address of the server run a tracert to the IP. When I had my issue there was one hop where it routed to Singapore and hit 190-200ms. I sent that tracert log to the TPG guys and they were able to resolve the issue in a couple hours
Take the advise from @Dschaffler12 and send it via Private Message along with your account details for us to check on it further.