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I tried to call 1300 933 019 and waited for an hour. but no one call me back or answer.
Can you please cancel my ADSL plan?
Because I'm leaving Australia soon
expiry date is 15.12.2019
Welcome to TPG Community!
We've edited your post as it contains your account details, which can be used to compromise your account. Please avoid posting any personal/account details on a public thread.
We'll arrange a call from our Accounts team to discuss the process and make sure that the request is coming from the owner of the account.
Please send me a PM with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.
How do I private message (PM) in the community
Hi @rnjsdhtjd404,
We have yet to receive your contact details. We'll wait for your PM so we can organize a call back. Please include your customer ID or username as well to ensure that we're endorsing the right account