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Complete Failure of TPG email accounts

Level 3

I had issues a couple of weeks ago with sending from my slave accounts afer TPG changed their backend settings to TMC - that has been resolved (it turns out TMC is far "fussier" than TPG ever was with outgoing server settings as my emails had worked for years with the old settings).


BUT - as of today, there is a complete failure of all my tpg (main and slaves) from my mail app.I cannot send or receive anything, with all accounts unable to connect remotely.

I receive various error messages from my mail app:

[1] Disconnected for inactivity during authentication

[2] Temporary authentication failure. 


YES, I can access my emails from the TPG Post Office, but that is not convenient.

This is a new issue with authentification, which is my 2nd within as many weeks. What is the fix for this?



Hi @Will12 


There was an issue with our Email server that caused the said fault, which has been resolved.


Please try it again and let us know how it goes.



Level 3

Yes, it is working now.


Such a shame that TPG has elected to palm off email services to a third party rather than fix things. Intermittent issues all through first half 2023 with TPG servers, now transfered to TMC servers and new issues.


Here's the real concern - technically, up until Sep2024, everyone with "tpg" (etc) email accounts are not customers of TMC as TPG (iinet, etc) have paid for 12 months of email hosting. Therefore, no incentive for TMC to keep things smooth during that time period.

Not applicable

Hi @Will12 


In the event that you have any issues with your TPG email address after moving to The Messaging Company, you will need to contact The Messaging Company for support as TPG will no longer be able to assist. Contact information will be made available on The Messaging Company’s website when email transfers begin.




Yes, it is working now.


Such a shame that TPG has elected to palm off email services to a third party rather than fix things. Intermittent issues all through first half 2023 with TPG servers, now transfered to TMC servers and new issues.


Here's the real concern - technically, up until Sep2024, everyone with "tpg" (etc) email accounts are not customers of TMC as TPG (iinet, etc) have paid for 12 months of email hosting. Therefore, no incentive for TMC to keep things smooth during that time period.