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Connection Keeps Dropping Out and Reconnecting - New Install

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Level 5

Hi  @Anonymous


Trouble with phone is I can't hear too good. SMS is fine by me. I also keep helpdesk updated but this thread is good, great you have a forum like this.


But I'll carry the phone with me today (I don't usually) in case TPG Eng ring. Thanks, you've all been great so far. I understand limitations.


Update, speed is back up to low to mid 40's (Mbps) this morning, which is good. And I will monitor for connection again today for drop outs and post/email results.

Not applicable

Thanks, @markberk1.

Based on the latest log on the escalated fault, you have been in contact with one of our Engineers. We'll keep an eye on this case of any queries do not hesitate to make follow up on this thread.



Level 5

Thanks @Anonymous


Update ; Expecting TPG Eng tomorrow 10 to 2.00pm
Speed is back to low to mid 40's since slowing down last night.
Drop outs continue today ... as you can see below, 10 significant drop outs and a few more of around 5 seconds each.
Net Uptime Monitor Failure Log (
28/02/2019 6:29:14 PM    Log Start
Failure Start          Length
28/02/2019 6:43:51 PM    0:02:54
28/02/2019 6:48:37 PM    0:04:04
28/02/2019 6:58:08 PM    0:01:06
28/02/2019 6:59:14 PM    Log End
Monitor Duration    0:30:00
Failure Summary:
    Count        3
    Total Downtime    0:06:58
    % Downtime    23.25
    Minimum Length    0:02:54
    Maximum Length    0:04:04
    Average Length    0:02:19

28/02/2019 6:59:47 PM    Log Start
Failure Start          Length
28/02/2019 6:59:50 PM    0:01:40
28/02/2019 7:06:21 PM    0:02:44
28/02/2019 7:12:10 PM    0:03:29
28/02/2019 7:32:16 PM    Log End
Monitor Duration    0:32:28
Failure Summary:
    Count        3
    Total Downtime    0:07:54
    % Downtime    24.35
    Minimum Length    0:01:40
    Maximum Length    0:03:29
    Average Length    0:02:38

28/02/2019 7:32:19 PM    Log Start
Failure Start          Length
28/02/2019 7:40:47 PM    0:06:19
28/02/2019 7:51:34 PM    0:02:58
28/02/2019 8:29:19 PM    Log End
Monitor Duration    0:57:00
Failure Summary:
    Count        2
    Total Downtime    0:09:17
    % Downtime    16.30
    Minimum Length    0:02:58
    Maximum Length    0:06:19
    Average Length    0:04:38

28/02/2019 8:31:01 PM    Log Start
Failure Start          Length
28/02/2019 8:33:39 PM    0:00:05
28/02/2019 8:36:28 PM    0:03:37
28/02/2019 8:43:06 PM    0:02:37
28/02/2019 8:51:12 PM    0:00:05
28/02/2019 8:51:56 PM    0:00:05
28/02/2019 8:58:23 PM    0:00:05
28/02/2019 8:58:36 PM    0:00:05
28/02/2019 8:59:25 PM    0:00:05
28/02/2019 9:07:21 PM    Log End
Monitor Duration    0:36:19
Failure Summary:
    Count        8
    Total Downtime    0:06:48
    % Downtime    18.74
    Minimum Length    0:00:05
    Maximum Length    0:03:37
    Average Length    0:00:51

Hi @markberk1


Our record shows that the technician is currently on site. Let's wait until the technician is done with the job. Additional update will be provided by our Engineering Team via SMS or call.



Level 5



Thanks Will.


After running diagnostics your TPG tech says he thinks there's a issue on the line, to be verified.


My neighbour, whom I mentioned before and who is also experiencing drop outs on his connection but has been too busy to raise the issue with TPG, says he will post here later today regarding that.


I will update this thread later tonight or tomorrow re drop outs, if more occur.


Hi @markberk1


Thanks for getting back to us. Although we don't have the full report yet from the technician, our Engineering Team will provide you an update via SMS or call.




Level 5

Update : Speed dropped again tonight around 10pm to around 31Mbps, wired. Tested wifi to neighbours and got near 40Mbps at 15m through a brick wall. So something's still slowing me down, despite eliminating multiple phone outlets.


Drop outs continue tonight in spite of visit by excellent TPG service Tech today. They started again around 7pm, from 5 seconds duration to 5.59 minutes, total of 15 times. See below for numbers.


Net Uptime Monitor Failure Log (

1/03/2019 6:36:16 PM Log Start
Failure Start Length
1/03/2019 6:44:27 PM 0:02:48
1/03/2019 6:52:15 PM 0:02:38
1/03/2019 7:04:48 PM 0:04:37
1/03/2019 7:16:04 PM 0:04:24
1/03/2019 7:21:07 PM 0:03:55

Failure Start Length
1/03/2019 7:40:04 PM 0:04:24

Failure Start Length
1/03/2019 8:16:37 PM 0:05:59
1/03/2019 8:37:14 PM 0:00:05

Failure Start Length
1/03/2019 9:18:36 PM 0:00:05
1/03/2019 9:19:08 PM 0:00:05
1/03/2019 9:21:36 PM 0:00:05
1/03/2019 9:24:29 PM 0:00:05
1/03/2019 9:41:40 PM 0:00:05

Failure Start Length
1/03/2019 10:25:50 PM 0:00:31
1/03/2019 10:27:10 PM 0:03:07


Will continue to update over weekend.



Hi @markberk1,


We've monitored the account and can confirm that the connection is still dropping.


We'll chase this with our Engineering team for further investigation.


Kind regards,


Level 5



Thanks for updating me Basil.


After NBN came and did some things speed returned to normal but drop outs persisted.


Then your excellent technician also came and eliminated house wiring/multiple outlets as cause of drop outs. He did diagnostics on the line and according to the data thought there is a fault but this has to be confirmed up the line.


Now there is occasional slowing at late evening, and drop outs persist but not as much and usually around early evening


*Just now heard from TPG Eng that issue has been referred back to NBN, so I'll update as info is available.



Level 3

Well this doesn't look promising..... I have been having similar issue.

Looks like they are trying at least. Maybe I should just switch back to 4g.