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Customer Complaint

Level 2

Hi~ TPG team

I am Jin, who is a new customer setting up my apartment broadband last week. When I found my Internet connection never activated, I asked for your technical support. Yesterday one of your technicians came to my apartment, and he did not fix the connection issue, and he left the apartment quickly. He told me that he would contact us quickly, but actually, he didn't so far. Now I want to cancel this internet plan because the service experience is terrible. could you tell me how to do the cancellation?

Hi @zjwslx1988,


We'd like to understand check what happened in this instance. If it's not too much to ask, could you please provide us with your customer ID or username via private message and  hopefully turn your experience around? 







Hi~ TPG team


I am Jin, who is a new customer setting up my apartment broadband last week. When I found my Internet connection never activated, I asked for your technical support. Yesterday one of your technicians came to my apartment, and he did not fix the connection issue, and he left the apartment quickly. He told me that he would contact us quickly, but actually, he didn't so far. Now I want to cancel this internet plan because the service experience is terrible. could you tell me how to do the cancellation?