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FTTB Sydney NSW Packetloss

Not applicable

Thanks for sending us additional information related to this issue. We will pass this to our Engineering Team and advise them to monitor the connection for the next 24hrs to ensure the issue will not occur again. Expect them to reach you in the event update becomes available. Let us know should you require further assistance. 



I noticed TPG tried to call me at 8:57pm but I missed the call.


Looking at my logs it seems like the issue seems to have fixed itself at 9pm (As have haven't had any packloss in the last 40mins). This time lasting 3 hours.



Level 3


At 12:50am, the issue is back.

tpg 2am.png

Not applicable

We have advised our Engineering Team about this and the case engineer will contact you to discuss the progression of the case. Kindly await further updates within the day.

Level 3

Great thanks.


It is still happeneing at 10am. 


tpg 2am.png

Level 3

A TPG technician is coming tomorrow to look at the the MDF and line. Hopefully they find something.


After miday today, the packetloss has stopped, this time spanning over approx 12 hrs.



30.7.20 1pm.PNG

Not applicable

Our Engineering Team is closely monitoring your case and the case engineer will be in touch as soon as a new update becomes available. Let us know should you have further queries.

Level 3

The techcian came by today, and of course, they come when I'm not having issues.


They reterminated the copper cable and told me to continue to monitor it. There was no point looking at the MDF as I am not having issues at the moment.


I will monitor the connection and see if it happens again. 



Level 3


1/8 update.


I've had 3 disconnections in 10mins.

It looks like it dropped out / pings increased at 6:30am and then it looks like it reconnected again at 10:30am.

The thick red lines are dropouts. The one at 4pm yesterday would be when the technician came.



Hi @tlai


Thanks for the update.


We'll forward this to our Engineers for further investigation.



Level 3



This is the past hour:


1.8.20 1pm.png

And edit: Seemed to have cleared up at 2:10 pm. Now to see when it comes back...

1.8.20 4pm.png