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FTTN changed to FTTP now daily disconnects multiple support requests no fix logs in post

Level 3

I had FTTN for years and a solid connection even with 500m of copper to the FTTN fibre box down the road. 

In July of this year I changed to FTTP and get daily dropouts. I work from home and teach uisng zoom and can have 20 students on the other end and the dropout often happens disconnecting me at the worst time. 

Here are the steps that have been tried in several phone calls the last being yesterday. Years ago I had a fault in the box on the street and this forum got it fixed so trying this again. 


My setup is the router TP-Link Model VX220-Gv2 sitting next to my desktop computer using ethernet directly to the router. Next to the router is the NBN box with cover off so I see the lights. So no wireless. 


When the dropouts happen I glance at the router and the INTERNET LIGHT goes off until it reconnects and internet restored. The WAN light is solid. 


When FTTP was installed I lost the landline for 2 months and one support tech fixed it after many calls but toggling on and off the calls barred option which fixed incoming and outgoing calls so that was a glitch in the software. 


The NBN connection shows stable for days so it is the modem/router that is the disconnect. Every time they call they say this even though in email I supply the disconnection logs in System tools in the router using to log into it. They do not see these router disconnects it seems. 


They reset the NBN box and did firmware remotely


They reset the router to factory defaults which I know worked as wifi on the TPLINK turned back on. I use TPLINK Deco x20 mesh for wireless for house. 


The NBN and TPLINK plugged directly into the wall not power board. 


When a faulty modem was replaced a year or so ago they sent out TWO TP-Link Model VX220-Gv2 routers and when I phoned and called them they said logistics made a mistke keep the second. 

So I suggested on another call I replace the model with the identical router out of the box never used and was told to do so in case the first had a fault. Basic isolation testing. Dropouts persisted. 

Yesterday I had a call again saying stable NBN connection. He got me to look in router as he said I need to do a MANUAL settings for FTTP as the router was setting itself up for FTTN STILL. I'll attach screenshots of the  Ewan settings manually., I deleted all three others as I was told to do. He said I should have had that done earlier but looking through notes it was not done. He said this would cause dropouts if it was connecting to FTTN settings. The new connection was set to VLAN ID 2 and was not previously. 


I looked at WARNING logs in System Tools/system logs THIS MORNING and two dissconnects when I was asleep. There were two disconnects as I can only attach 3 screenshots I'll post one for example. 


They have tested the optic line several times and they always say this is fine. Strange thing is FTTN was stable all the time at 50mbps connection the speed changed to 100mbps with FTTP. 

I helped the NBN with running the cable as it is 40m run from the street to the box on the house and as a previous builder I ran the internal 15m internal fibre with them to my home office with no sharp turns etc so cable run went well. 

Can you PM me and I will sent my username and details for you to investigate. I have been building computers and setting up networks since the 80's and pretty sharp on the hardware side but 8 phone calls later over months this is not being fixed. Please help.