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Having double NAT issue with Google wifi and TPG techs keep saying there is no way to fix

Level 2

I have been reaching out to get TPG support for at least 2 times before, 7 different people all saying I need to call TP-Link to ask for help.

They say I can't put ARCHER1600v in Bridge mode due to NTD and router combo issue.

Can anyone point me to the right direction so I can set up my google wifi for once and for all?


I'm on HFC connection with NBN. Having Archer1600v as router. 1 Google main point and 1 extra point in the bedroom.


Hi @nguyenhachau93 . The Google router doesn't support VLAN ID so you need the Archer in bridge mode for that. Unless you are on BYO router data only plan or Superfast/Ultrafast plan which don't use VLAN ID.


Following are instructions to put Archer VR1600 in bridge mode.

To put Archer in bridge mode, basically delete the DSL connection with vlan id 2 and add new connection.


Problem is that this is for the DSL interface, not the EWAN interface. Couldn't find anything on bridging EWAN interface. You may have to experiment with the settings. 


The settings for Google: PPPoE, username + and password.

Google does all routing functions. VOIP won't work.


If you can't get Archer to work, you can use a smart switch between Google and NBN box. The switch does vlan processing for NBN and standard ethernet for Google.

Level 2

Thanks Mate, I have switched onto BYO plan with TPG. I'm waiting for it to be activated.

Is there a way to check if I'm already on BYO plan? So I can just get rid of the Archer Router and use my google wifi straight on.

EWAN interface can't be bridged. I'm literally stuck. I don't know why Double NAT suddenly appears and it is so so bad this time around.


@nguyenhachau93 . I guess it takes a day or two.

You can check your plan in MyAccount. It might say BYO but still not be configured as such.

You can connect the Archer to the NBN box and use it until it stops working, then connect Google to NBN box.

Or, just connect Google to NBN box and wait for it to start working.


Level 2

Would the issue persist because the Google router does not support Vlan id tagging. I have read in other posts that even on BYO the HFC connection would still assign me to a specific Vlan ID tho Smiley Sad

Hi @nguyenhachau93


If you are under the NBN BYO plan, then VLAN tagging is not needed as it is only required for the VoIP to work.



Level 2

Hi guys,


thanks for the helps up here. I got my Google router connected directly to ARRIS NTD and it has been working. 

However! Google is still saying that Double NAT issue is still there, and my IP address is still a private IP address. They also confirm that VLAN tagging is still on (but the google wifi is still working for some reasons).


What should I do next? Do I reach out to TPG to ask them if they can turn off VLAN tagging?


Hi @nguyenhachau93


We'd like to check your account further. Shoot me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number to assist you.



Level 2
Level 2

@BasilDV wrote:

Hi @nguyenhachau93


If you are under the NBN BYO plan, then VLAN tagging is not needed as it is only required for the VoIP to work.



Hi BasilDV,


Can I please confirm this? NBN HFC BYO from TPG no longer requires a router that supports VLAN, so I am able to connect Google WiFi directly to the NTD?


Was the double NAT issue solved?




Hi @eug


We can confirm that the VLAN tagging is not needed for our TPG NBN BYO plan.


Other customers that use their own router (not Google device specific) and did not experience any problems with their TPG NBN BYO plan.

If your Google device did not work, better contact their support for further checking.

