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How many days until my 5G home broadband modem gets dispatched?

Level 2

I ordered the TPG 5G home broadband modem over a week ago, and have been stuck on the "Waiting for Hardware Dispatch" stage this whole time. I am based in the Sydney metro area, how many days will it take to get dispatched? 


The previous response I got from the live chat was:
"We're currently experiencing some delays due to unforeseen technical issue at our warehouse, which have impacted our hardware shipments. Our team is working closely with our suppliers and logistics partners to resolve these delays. While I can't provide an exact delivery date at this moment, we're aiming to have all backorders fulfilled as soon as possible."

which has left me hanging, since I need internet to work from home, and am currently burning through mobile data instead. Would it be faster for me to pick up the modem from North Ryde or can I still expect the modem to be dispatched/delivered soon?


Hi @asdf02 


We'd like to check the status of your order and see how can we help.


Please send us a private message with your account details.



Level 2

Thanks @BasilDV , I've sent a private message to you with my account details.


Hope to hear from you soon.