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Internet keeps dropping out

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Level 2

September 2022 and this is now an issue for me. Has been going on for at least 3 weeks but really issues since Easter when internet was cut for the entire long weekend. Supposedly TPG make a change and call back to say it has been stable for 12 hours and then close the ticket. Issue reappears later that day with constant dropouts. Have to open new tickets and they take no notice of previous tickets. Was asked to purchase a new modem to fix issue. Bought modem and this has not resolved the issue. Asking for money back now and TPG to do something about it.


Welcome to TPG Community @Mode!


Let us take a closer look at what's going with your case and what can be done to expedite resolution. If you flick us a private message with your account details and we'll go from there. 


How do I private message (PM) in the community






Level 2

TPG are not interested in fixing constant internet dropouts. They will blame it on the NBN, make you take time out to stay at home for the NBN tech to arrive to test the connection and tell you everything is good. Restart your modem and because it works for a few hours after send you an email or text to say the connection is stable and close the ticket. You call back later and they open a new ticket and compeletely forget about the other tickets you have opened previously. Still experiencing dropouts. All lights on NBN device are solid and everything on the modem is good until eventually the internet light drops out. Then need to wait minutes while people have been kicked out of whatever they were doing on the internet. I hope people see this and do not persist like I have to try and get my issue fixed. We should have a right to report this lack of service and receive compensation. I wonder if TPG paid for electricity and it dropped out every day multiple times if they would not be complaining to the electricity provider and upset and demanding compensation. I was forced to buy a new modem from them and this did not fix the issue yet have I seen that money back? No. The phone calls I have to make and constantly verifying my identity and confirming how things are plugged in is just crazy for an account they must know is experiencing issues. I feel sorry for the first level techs who are receiving my calls as I am already agitated due to the lack of a fix.

Not applicable

We are sad to know that you feel that way. We have identified that the issue is with the network controlled by the NBN co. This unfortunately means only NBN co. technicians have the authority to fix this fault.

The issue has been raised to NBNCo by the help of our Engineering Team. They arranged an NBN technician visit on Monday, 12th of September.

We will chase this with our Team to prioritise this case, expect updates via SMS or phone call as soon as it becomes available.



TPG are not interested in fixing constant internet dropouts. They will blame it on the NBN, make you take time out to stay at home for the NBN tech to arrive to test the connection and tell you everything is good. Restart your modem and because it works for a few hours after send you an email or text to say the connection is stable and close the ticket. You call back later and they open a new ticket and compeletely forget about the other tickets you have opened previously. Still experiencing dropouts. All lights on NBN device are solid and everything on the modem is good until eventually the internet light drops out. Then need to wait minutes while people have been kicked out of whatever they were doing on the internet. I hope people see this and do not persist like I have to try and get my issue fixed. We should have a right to report this lack of service and receive compensation. I wonder if TPG paid for electricity and it dropped out every day multiple times if they would not be complaining to the electricity provider and upset and demanding compensation. I was forced to buy a new modem from them and this did not fix the issue yet have I seen that money back? No. The phone calls I have to make and constantly verifying my identity and confirming how things are plugged in is just crazy for an account they must know is experiencing issues. I feel sorry for the first level techs who are receiving my calls as I am already agitated due to the lack of a fix.

Not applicable

Hi @Mode,


One of our Engineers tried to contact you for the updates unfortunately no avail. Could you send us a PM with your best contact time so we can arrange another call?




TPG are not interested in fixing constant internet dropouts. They will blame it on the NBN, make you take time out to stay at home for the NBN tech to arrive to test the connection and tell you everything is good. Restart your modem and because it works for a few hours after send you an email or text to say the connection is stable and close the ticket. You call back later and they open a new ticket and compeletely forget about the other tickets you have opened previously. Still experiencing dropouts. All lights on NBN device are solid and everything on the modem is good until eventually the internet light drops out. Then need to wait minutes while people have been kicked out of whatever they were doing on the internet. I hope people see this and do not persist like I have to try and get my issue fixed. We should have a right to report this lack of service and receive compensation. I wonder if TPG paid for electricity and it dropped out every day multiple times if they would not be complaining to the electricity provider and upset and demanding compensation. I was forced to buy a new modem from them and this did not fix the issue yet have I seen that money back? No. The phone calls I have to make and constantly verifying my identity and confirming how things are plugged in is just crazy for an account they must know is experiencing issues. I feel sorry for the first level techs who are receiving my calls as I am already agitated due to the lack of a fix.

Level 2

I have tried to call back and do not get past the first level of tech each time to talk to these people who are trying to call as they say they will get them to call me back. If I miss a call and call back surely I should be put through to the person who called not have to go through the whole script of powering off my modem and NBN device and powering on again plus the giving of my name, address and date of birth but that is what happens. The best thing I was asked by the first level technician was to unplug the new modem I was forced to purchase and read out the power settings for voltage and amps on the power supply that came with the modem. It was supplied by TPG what would that possibly help with.So don't try and put this on me.

I have an appointment arranged by TPG for an NBN technician to come tomorrow sometime between 8 and 12 which was arranged by TPG. More time off that I have to ask my employer for. So if it is not a TPG issue what is a TPG technician going to do. Service has dropped out about 30 times today and I am waiting for it to cut out while I try to type this message. Try telling children to complete their assignments when schools make them do everything online.

By the way private messages mean nothing other than trying to stop users from letting others know what is going on with the issue by the way.

Not applicable

We will include this on the on the record, if you wish to contact our Engineers for the update we suggest to reply to the SMS or call the contact number and use the Reference Number.


On the other hand, we will include this as a reference on the ongoing investigation.  Expect updates via SMS or Phone call when it becomes available. 


I have tried to call back and do not get past the first level of tech each time to talk to these people who are trying to call as they say they will get them to call me back. If I miss a call and call back surely I should be put through to the person who called not have to go through the whole script of powering off my modem and NBN device and powering on again plus the giving of my name, address and date of birth but that is what happens. The best thing I was asked by the first level technician was to unplug the new modem I was forced to purchase and read out the power settings for voltage and amps on the power supply that came with the modem. It was supplied by TPG what would that possibly help with.So don't try and put this on me.

I have an appointment arranged by TPG for an NBN technician to come tomorrow sometime between 8 and 12 which was arranged by TPG. More time off that I have to ask my employer for. So if it is not a TPG issue what is a TPG technician going to do. Service has dropped out about 30 times today and I am waiting for it to cut out while I try to type this message. Try telling children to complete their assignments when schools make them do everything online.

By the way private messages mean nothing other than trying to stop users from letting others know what is going on with the issue by the way.

Level 2

So I stayed home yesterday for the NBN technician to replace our NBN NTU at approx. 9:30am and internet was down until 9:30pm after which we continue to have internet dropouts. What was the point of me being there yesterday? So I could lose total internet access for 12 hours and rack up my mobile data bill so I could work from home. Had a call from a TPG tech asking me to take another day off for an NBN technician to attend. I could not tell him right then and there whether my employer would allow me to take time off so I called about half an hour later and tried to reference my existing case to tell them a time I could be available which was tomorrow and proceeded to be asked about whether my device was plugged in (the same script that all your 1st level techs run through rather than listening to the customer). About 10-15 min later got the anser that two days from now an NBN tech would be available and that tomorrow was not possible. This is just ludicrous. On top of all this I am still being charged for my internet connection that does not work and have not seen a cent of the money I was forced to spend on a new modem. TPG must have 50-75% of your resolved tickets which are false as they are rehashed calls from existing cases. I was also told that there was no point waiting on the phone as a TPG staff member would call back to see if they could get the NBN tech to arrive tomorrow. Over two hours and no call back for something I could have waited on the phone for. Great customer service guys. You should be proud. Your customer service managers and staff obviously earn their wages with skewed case completion stats.


Hi @Mode


We understand that your assigned Engineer has been in touch and has booked your chosen NBN technician visit schedule.


We'll closely monitor this case and will provide updates once available.



Level 2

Hi, just writing back to confirm that my internet is still not working even after staying at home on Thursday for another technician to replace my NBN ntu with no change. Just had internet cut out about 30 times today that I know of and now it has conveniently stopped at 9pm just when I can't call again. Also extra customer service points for me calling this afternoon to report the constant dropping and told that an engineer would call back in an hour. Still waiting 7 hours for a call. I would be fired if it took me this long to fix an issue like this. The whole system is pretty simple kids. A modem/router connected to an NTU which is cabled to some intermediate point connected to another point that then hands off to TPGs network. How you cannot fix this issue after this long is beyond me. I have now put in a complaint to the TIO and hopefully that will start things off. Haven't seen a cent back after any of these outages or the forced purchase of a new modem. I think maybe fair trading should be involved or the ACCC for charging while not providing a service.