Internet out

Level 2
Needing help with internet outage since 11am yesterday 17/11. Looked at nbn outages & nothing showing for our address. Checked tpg outages & same. Have tried calling for assistance but been on hold over an hour each time. Haven’t got time to stay on any longer each time. Need help as over 30 hours no internet. Just stopped & have tried all the on: off .
Not applicable

Hi @JS11 ,


Are you still having issues with the service? If so, let us help check what is causing issues with the service and see what we can do to fix this.


Could you send me a message with your details and the troubleshooting steps you have taken so far?





Needing help with internet outage since 11am yesterday 17/11. Looked at nbn outages & nothing showing for our address. Checked tpg outages & same. Have tried calling for assistance but been on hold over an hour each time. Haven’t got time to stay on any longer each time. Need help as over 30 hours no internet. Just stopped & have tried all the on: off .


Level 2
Thank you Shane - yes still have no internet. But after 3 x 1 hour on hold calls to TPG - purchasing a new modem - per one of the person’s recommendation. To only be told on the 3rd call that we have no signal . An nbn technician is booked for Wednesday morning to come - hopefully fix the issue.

We are positive that the NBN technician will help us resolve the issue.


Let us know if you need further assistance.

