Nbn installation!!

Level 3
Why is this taking so long. I dnt understand what's the issue of why it's been 2 months since I registered and I still dnt have nbn installed on my premise. After many calls and emails of waiting for an update, I am sick and tired of waiting.

This shouldn't take 2 months to fix and my family is left out with no internet for 2 months and only using phone data and the small 20gb a month tpg gives which Is nowhere enough for us to last a whole month.

Please fix this, this is taking way too long

Hi @eduardo23 


Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.

Your case manager has sent a follow up with NBN Co and advised that this is an urgent case.

Once she received the update, it will be relayed to you as soon as possible.


You may respond to the Email that was sent by your case manager for further discussion.

