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No email access - webmail & local email client

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Level 2

For the last two days I’ve been having email access issues.


Initially I contacted the “The Messaging Company” and was told my email hadn’t migrated across yet so I still needed to contact TPG for support.


I have 2 email accounts with TPG (one for over 20yrs). One is working fine, the other started having issues around 0800 22/11/23.


No webmail access , constant  504 gateway timeout error and unable to receive via my local email client (outlook)


Performed local trouble shooting  such as restarts, reboots, cleared cache, try different browsers although the 2nd TPG email is running on the same PC without issue. 


Contacted TPG support on 22/11 & again today 23/11.


After explaining the situation on both days I was put on hold then told I was being directed to Tech support where they would help me.


After 45mins I couldn’t hold any longer. Later on the 22/11 the emails appeared to be working again with some emails from the afternoon arriving in the late evening.


Again this morning I woke up to find the emails had stopped  again (only on one account). I waited all day before calling support in the afternoon.


Co incidentally both times I have called up while being on hold by the email fulfilment dept( before being transferred to tech support) the emails began to flow again.!


The emails have now stopped again tonight.  


It appears the only solution maybe to allocate several hours to wait on hold for tech support. 


Any other ideas / solutions would be appreciated, thanks


Accepted Solutions
Level 8

Hmmm...  I'm OK at the moment, but if it starts affecting me I may have to jump ship after over 20 years of great service.
MODS. Hopefully you are feeding back thsi 504 issue to techs and management?

View solution in original post

Level 3

I have had the same problem for the past week or so.

Problem seems to resolve itself after hours.


Get the 504 error, told the account is not available, can't connect via, but CAN logon to my account page details via


Exceptionally frustrating and resulted in my commencing migrating my email to a third party due to the delays in tpg doing so to the messaging company.

Level 2

Thanks for your reply.  Yes its very frustrating. Ive been experiencing issues for a few weeks but not to the extent like this week where just no emails all day. Once again this morning  the same thing and then just started working again now.  These latest issues have further justified my decision like you to migrate away.  Ive been researching for quiet a while and basically putting it off as to change an email address after some 20yrs is going to take some time and effort.

Level 3

Me too.  Thank you for posting here, because I thought it was only happening to me.  My ability to access emails got progressively worse over the week.  Initially in was between 2pm and 4pm from Wednesday to Friday 22nd-24th November where I got the Gateway Timeout error.  Then today (25th November) I couldn't get any emails at all - I needed certain emails that contained links to access online virtual classes and couldn't attend those classes as the emails didn't come through.  Those emails that was sent to me at 11.20am only came throught just now at 11.55pm.  I sent myself several test emails during the day and they still haven't come through.


Like you, I contacted The Messenging Company on Thursday 23rd when this started to feel like a systemic issue and they told me that my email address hadn't been migrated and they couldn't tell me when migration would be, not even a rough date range.


It's quite frustrating as I don't know what emails I've missed, when I'll be getting them, and if I'm getting them at all.  I also don't know if this will get fixed.


I have also sent a private message regarding this issue via TPG Community on Thursday / Friday 23rd-24th November, and am waiting for a response.

Level 2

OMG!  This is the worst.  It has been happening to me for 5 days now.  Through the day there is hours of time where no emails are received or can be sent, then they dribble through on and off over the next 12-24 hours. There appears to be a pattern as in, they stop completely between about 11.30am and 5pm - so frustrating and inconvenient if your work relies on emails through the day.  I have spent about 6 hours across 4 phone calls to TPG (most of that on hold) and have achieved nothing - they act like they know nothing about any issues and then try to blame my personal set-up/internet providor - always seems it's got nothing to do with them.

Come on TPG get your act together - based on the amount of views that this post and two similar ones have had, it would suggest this is happening to a huge amount of people. You dont come here and read random posts for the fun of it, you search and read because you have the same problem and are looking for an answer.  This is the worst service ever.

Level 2

There obviously is an issue as so many of us are all experiencing the same problems.

Level 2

Same issues here. So frustrating. 504 error most of the day today. Useless service.

Level 8

Hmmm...  I'm OK at the moment, but if it starts affecting me I may have to jump ship after over 20 years of great service.
MODS. Hopefully you are feeding back thsi 504 issue to techs and management?