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No internet connection - NSW Rhodes

Level 2
The internet is down again. It is happening quite frequently now, is it just me or someone else is facing the same issue.

Hi @dhirpriyanka 


Before performing any troubleshooting, we advise customers to check if the service is affected by an outage.

If not, kindly send me a private message with your account details.



Level 2

The UI of TPG community is not very friendly, specially on the mobile. So now I am logged into my laptop for better experience and hopefully no more confusion. Anyway, I have responded to your message here about 3 hours ago. However, since there is no visibility on the progress and my internet is down for more than 12 hours now. I posted another message on community. Which was responded but lead to the confusion that I have not responded, however, I have and here it is link to the message. Please let me know if you need more information.




Hi @dhirpriyanka 


We understand that you've been in contact with one of our Moderators.


He'll assess your case and progress it further.



Level 2

Thanks BasilDV,


Can you please confirm when can I expect the issue be resolved. It is not easy to live/work without internet in this day and age. I am working from home and not having internet connection for more than 18 hours is not acceptable. I can't be dependent on my mobile hotspot for long, it imapcting my work. Can you please expedite and arrange a call to my husband (Rohit) for a quick resolution. If not done in next couple of hours then we are force to discountinue the service and replace it with an alternate ISP. 



Not applicable

Hi @dhirpriyanka ,


We arranged our Technical Team to contact you, we will close this ticket and provide you an update via PM.




Thanks BasilDV,


Can you please confirm when can I expect the issue be resolved. It is not easy to live/work without internet in this day and age. I am working from home and not having internet connection for more than 18 hours is not acceptable. I can't be dependent on my mobile hotspot for long, it imapcting my work. Can you please expedite and arrange a call to my husband (Rohit) for a quick resolution. If not done in next couple of hours then we are force to discountinue the service and replace it with an alternate ISP.



Level 2
The internet seems to have been working again though at a slow speed. Please don't cancel the call with the technician, can I still have them to analyse the reason of slow speed? Thanks
