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Panasonic Smart TV not connecting to NBN Internet

Level 2



Ever since NBN was installed, my Panasonic Smart TV cannot connect to the internet via the Archer VR1600 router gateway over WiFi.

It connects to the router just fine but that's as far as it goes. On trying to connect to the internet I get an error message "Connection to server failed 008". The router WiFi Advanced settings, Channel is set to Auto.

All my other WiFi devices (2PCs, Laptop, iPhone, iPad) connect to the internet perfectly first time.


Prior to NBN the TV also worked perfectly and I could use all the streaming apps.

I have tried everything I can think of including turning the TV on/off rebooting the router, etc. all to no avail.


I hope you can help.



Level 5

When you say you've turned the TV on/off, do you mean "pulled the plug out of the wall" powered on/off?


If you haven't, reboot the modem and then power off the TV, wait 2 mins and power the TV back up.


Hi Sheoke.

When the TV has connected to the wifi, can it display its network settings? Its IP address, DNS address and subnet mask. Compare these values to same ones on your PC.

Use        ipconfig /all        command.

That will display all interfaces but you'll see the wifi interface. DNS address and subnet mask should be the same, IP address should have the same first three numbers and different fourth number.

Have you asked Panasonic about the error message? One post on the internet said that error 008 meant that some Panasonic server was down, which is the initial contact point for the TV.

You might be able to squeeze out of them the name of the server the TV is trying to contact. Since NBN is different from ADSL, there might be some network problem getting to that server.

If you get the name, use your PC to ping it, then  tracert, and even try to browse it. 

Level 2

Thanks SteveK


Yes, done that several times. Still no go. It conects to router perfectly but can't seem to access a server on the other side of it somewhere. Hence, 008 error.



Level 2

Here is the Panasonic Network screen....

Level 2

Hi david64

Thanks for your response.

Yes, all the IP settings are the same.

DHCP, Gateway and DNS, Subnet Mask

As I say, it's connecting to the router ok. See attachment.


I saw on Telstra I think, one guy tried to contact Panasonic and when he eventually did they apologised and said they'd get back to him (right!). 2 weeks after the time of his post he was still waiting...

I have noticed that other people with Samsung TVs are having the same problem since NBN went in. They are also getting the 008 error.

Looks like a media box might be the next option. Pity though given content streaming was why I bought a "Smart" TV in the first place.



Level 5

Have you tried this?


Why I am getting error '008' when I attempt to Connect?
Firstly, please enter the Network Setup option on the television and run the Connection Test. With the error code '008,' it should fail the last point.

Once the test has finished, press the Return button and then go to the IP/DNS settings and press OK. Ensure that both the IP and DNS settings are set to Auto. Press return, wait for the television to go back to the Network screen and then re-run the Connection Test to see if it passes. If it passes it should connect to Viera Cast correctly. If it still does not connect, you will need to check your router settings.

Within router settings, please make sure that DHCP and UPnP are turned on. If you have MAC filtering turned on, you need to enter the MAC address of the television (this can be found at the bottom of the network settings on the television). Alternatively, you may have to contact your internet service provider or the manufacturer of the router.
((and make sure you connect to 2.4Ghz band))
Level 2

Thanks so much SteveK.


All I have is the Quick Setup or Custom Setup options with the result as seen in my attachment.

I don't appear to have any other facility like a specific Connection Test with the use of error codes at all.

But I will try all your other settings to make sure.

What I don't understand is why it all worked on ADSL2+ but not on NBN and also on the 5GHz band.




Hi Sheoke. Does the TV have a built-in browser to access internet independently of the Panasonic apps? If it does and you can get to, say,, it means the TV is ok.

Level 2

@david64 wrote:

Hi Sheoke. Does the TV have a built-in browser to access internet independently of the Panasonic apps? If it does and you can get to, say,, it means the TV is ok.

No, I'm afraid it doesn't. I have seen somewhere all the apps/widgets maybe have to be reset but I can't for the life of me see how NBN would have caused this necessity. Maybe a firmware update via USB?

Anyway, I will try again tomorrow.


Thanks so much for your help.