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Recurrent DNS error and Spam emails

Level 2
Level 2

I am receiving two issues


1) is an influx of spam coming from the TPG community with no option to report it or block it


2) is a recurring error that is not resolved through multiple model resets.


DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN as an error that comes up when I visit various websites. It does fix over time but often affects even my ability to get to this site.


I have tried to call TPG customer support on several occasions. It usually goes like this:

- the TPG customer service person gives me a few websites to try. I enter them and report if i get the error or not. They make a ticket for higher escalation.

- the person it gets escalated to a few days later to tell me something like, the website that I described will shortly be changing domain so the error I had doesn't matter. Keep in mind this relates to websites TPG customer support selected - not the ones I am trying to access.

- they try to call me a few days later, aren't able to get through, and then close my ticket.


I am at my wit's end. resetting the modem does not resolve the issue. TPG customer support have been completely ineffective at offering solutions. Changing provider seems like the best solution.

Level 2

Googles DNS server is ultra reliable.


You may have subscribed to something accidentally. 

Level 2
Level 2
I am not subscribed to anything that would cause the spam received. Only this post and another historical one.

Hi @AGJ . You can provide alternate DNS in the router. Go to Advanced/Network/LAN Settings. Set Primary DNS  and Secondary DNS to Google's ip addresses and Save. If the router is reset, you have to re-enter the addresses.

Re spam, you can report the sender via Community. Just create a thread with the details.


@AGJ . The second Google DNS address is

Level 2
Level 2
Thanks both, Google DNS appears to be working