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Regular Disconnects

Level 4

Started about 2 days ago, my internet appears to regularly disconnect and reconnect, some times it seems like every 10 minutes and other time much longer. I have powered off then on both the NBN HFC modem and the TPG Router and that doesnt help.

Apps, Games, Music streaming, Youtube, and online TV all disconnect together then moments later reconnect. Also connections to US seem to buffer a lot, frustrating in game where you need the best connection

Can someone at TPG please ask a tech person to check on my connection. Then send me a text message with some results?



Hi @skozzy 


We'd like to have a better understanding of the situation and test the network.


Please send us a private message with your account details.



Level 4

DM Was sent, internet is not the best


Lot of data loss from my home to TPG Gateway server
Home to TPG Gateway.png


And when I run the same test ot the TGP website its as bad

Home to TPG Webpage.png


15-20% data loss appears to be greatly effecting the quality of what i do online.


Not applicable

Hi @skozzy 


Appreciate the additional details. Please check your inbox, we did not receive your response with your details. You may re-send the message directly to me as Basil is not available today. 


How to send a PM?





DM Was sent, internet is not the best


Lot of data loss from my home to TPG Gateway server
Home to TPG Gateway.png


And when I run the same test ot the TGP website its as bad

Home to TPG Webpage.png


15-20% data loss appears to be greatly effecting the quality of what i do online.


Level 4

I have also sent you my details in a DM and it does show that the DM to Basil also worked.

DMs to TPG.png

Level 4

Any updates if someone is looking at my poor internet connection ?. I am trying to do my Admin work and constantly fighting ping issues, time outs and lag.

Level 4

I would guess someone started some tests ??, my connection went down again and so far touch wood when it come back up its been fine. Too early to tell, been under 30 mins. So far no more errors.


google seems fine.png


Hi @skozzy 


How's your service? Are you still getting high ping/latency?



Level 4

Yes unfortunately, it started again the next day, here is two more tests.


This is one of the Game Server I admin for with packet loss via TPG over 30%


Game Server USA.png


This test is to the TPG webpage.



I will power everything off again, unplug and replug the cables. Cause currently the internet feel unusable. I am also trying to stream a local radio station and the stream keeps stopped, for something with such low data rates that not good.


Hi @skozzy 


We might need the help of our Tech team to check on this further.


Please send us a private message with your details along with your preferred time to receive a call.

