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Regular Disconnects

Level 4

I have sent you another DM with my details and a mobile number for someone to call and a time frame.


Level 4

I left this a few weeks as I was to busy to keep up with regular contacts, no one from TPG contacted me, my internet quality for a while seemed to improve and now its giving me issues again.

The Game Servers I am trying to connect to in the USA are mostly failing to show or failing to connect, if I install and use NordVPN the connections work, so this issue I am having I believe to be a routing issue.

I see my connection goes to the service called and it is dropping a lot of packets, and when I look up the info for it i find it is in france, so why is my data routed from AU to EU to US.
I do not want to pay for a VPN to bandaid this isuee, for years I had very good quality connections everywhere.

Please TPG, have someone look into this, WinMTR shows I still losing packet from my home to the TPG Gateway and beyond.


Hi @skozzy 


In order to check on this further, we'll be waiting for your response to my private message with your account details.



Level 4

I have sent these DMs multiple times now with my details. How is no one seeing them.