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Rogue account- Refer to TIO or Police?


Hi @Jeff1949, the Case Manager has raised the issue to our PostMaster. We'll advise the Case Manager to respond as soon as an update becomes available. 

Level 4

I haven't received any updates as promised in your posts..
on Oct 24 (19 days ago)
and on Oct 28 (15 days ago)
and on Nov 1 (11 days agoi)

and on Nov 3 (9 days ago)

I would like to post a more detailed and helpful summary but I appear to be being blocked from doing so.

Not applicable

We chased this with our Complaints Resolution Team for additional reference on the escalated complaint.




I haven't received any updates as promised in your posts..
on Oct 24 (19 days ago)
and on Oct 28 (15 days ago)
and on Nov 1 (11 days agoi)

and on Nov 3 (9 days ago)

I would like to post a more detailed and helpful summary but I appear to be being blocked from doing so.



Level 4

Ongoing unsatisfactory help by TPG Customer Relations who appear to not be able to understand the issue cause me to respond with the following...
TPG Customer Relations appear to be of the view that the problem that I have clearly described to them in detail is normal and simply explained by the account simply "being extended" ...whatever that means!

The reality of the account being made non-operational at the initiation of the account holder and that account subsequently remaining non-operational for about 4 weeks before being enabled again without authority and without notice is not recognised by TPG as a significant event. They appear to be even denying the very existence of that event by using the term ...."the account was extended"

I have therefore added some explanatory text to the original posting to help clarify the issue. I hope it proves helpful.


Hi Jeff1949,


I'll discuss this directly with our Complaints Resolution team. Please expect them to reach out directly this coming week.


Thank you,

Joseph D

Level 4

How did your discussion go with the Complaints Resolution Team?
It is now into December, and I have not heard from them, as you said on Nov 19 that I could expect to.

You will be aware that this is after I had clarified in great detail, the situation regarding the email account made non-operational on Sept 18 as a result of the account owner deciding to make no further payments to continue the account, and then the account made operational again by persons still unknown, nearly 4 weeks later on Oct 14, without notice or authority of the previous owner of the account.

I do not accept that a legitimate way of resolving this issue, is by the Complaints Resolution Team to simply ignore the issue or deny the issue in the hope it will simply go away. I remind you that this issue was initially raised with you more than five weeks ago on Oct 22. There has been other multiple occasions where moderators at TPG Community have stated that support staff would contact me and those contacts not been made, with the exception of one unsatisfactory response which ignored and did not adress the issue..

Please provide me now with an email address within TPG management, where I can clearly explain and escalate this issue which TPG support staff are unable to understand or resolve, and also the issue of the manner in which it has, and continues to be unsatisfactorily addressed by support staff of TPG.