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Security certificates


@BasilDV . Still have same error on my mobile phone. Same as the original problem.


I asked 3 questions in my previous post. Any answers?


Hi @david64


We are still waiting for the response regarding your query.


We'll be in touch as soon as we received an update.



Level 2

I'm having issues with security certificates too.

I have a few devices and all but one have the same issue .. security certificate errors from websites.




Win10PC running Edge, Chrome and FF .. all same issue.

Android phone and tablet both Andorid 9s' same issue

Partners' iPad and notebook, same issue.

Partners' iPhone 12 .. connects!

Tried using the Android app to hook into my account, no dice either.

All security certificate errors won't allow connection.

(so why does the iPhone???)


Hopefully this can be fixed soon, it's been since Dec for me too, now late Jan.


Hi @AK83 . Anything useful in this thread? (Security product blocking connection.)


What symbol do you get in the browser address field where it would normally be the padlock symbol?

Level 2

padlock with warning triangle and a not secure warning.

Haven't read through that(did search for those terms here and nothign came up)

I have no issue on any other sites, https or otherwise(eg. BOM, which I use daily).

Can't be windows Defender issue, as I have same issue on Android devices and Apple devices(except for mrs' iPhone!).


.... **! I got auto logged out for some reason.

BUT! I did discover something.

For sure it's my TPG supplied modem/router.

Sagecom something. Pretty diabolical stability, flaky many times(eg. trying to log in as admin, it forgets my password, and has to be rebooted a few times for me to log in) .. just one example.


Anyhow, I was mucking about and thought to try disconnecting phone and trying to log in via phone network(also TPG)


To note: I changed wholesale to TPG back in about Oct or thereabouts. 5G broadband and mobile(s).

So with phone not connected via modem, and on it's mobile network, it connects to TPG and profile and app.


So my new question now is: what stupid config have TPG/Sagecom made to router that it doesn't allow access to it's own parent site!

Note I have not set any rules or blocking or port access/denial of any kind on the modem. Where to start with it?


Level 2

UPDATE: fixed(and thanks for help)


Went back in modem configs.

Sagecom is preconfigured with DNS server settings in the Internet Conenctivity area, and no way I can change them. It is on a Basic tab, but there is no option for any other kind of tab(eg. an Advanced tab??)

But I went into the My Sagecom Box config settings and set up my own DNS server values, and set them to the values readily found for TPG, which are and

Rebooted and now can access!


New question: is there an updated software area for modem/routers available anywhere on TPG?

Maybe it needs a software update or something .. at least to try to make it more stable, if not to set more relevant DNS values into it.


@AK83 . Some other users have had problems with DNS addresses in this model.

What were the preconfigured DNS server settings in the Internet Connectivity area?

Where is the My Sagemcom Box config settings? The 2 ip addresses are just TPG's own DNS addresses.

Level 2

the main page has the Internet Connectivity and My Sagecom Box panels. Basically the middle of the screen.

I log in as admin, so maybe if you're not logged in as admin, access panels may vary.


In the Internet Connectivity panel, the  DNS IPv4 values on my box are:




You can highlight, and copy values to clipboard, but no way to change them.


I found that those 120.... DNS values relate to Vodafone DNS servers, but now having set my alternate TPG DNS server values in the My Sagecom settings, I can now access TPG again.


@AK83 . Thanks for that. TPG use Vodafone for mobile phones , so 4G and 5G broadband as well. Must have been their reasoning for choosing the Vodafone DNS.

Level 7

Hello @david64 

I am wondering if this possible 'messing about' with security certificates has any connection with the apparently random or intermittent problem reported by some when emails outwards fail with the undeliverable message. Looks like support try and deal with those as individual cases, whereas there seems to be a system failure. Thankfully, your help and status here means that the mods are taking your problem seriously. BTW, the link worked for me