Slave User

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Level 3

Hi all, 

I have a slave user email that I use, the issue is no matter what email client I use I get the following error when sending, this has been happening for the past 3 months. It sends from webmail without issue, but in say mailbird or outlook it will sit in the send for upto 3 hours and will sometimes send the email multiple times.


Task '********** - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'


Accepted Solutions
Level 3

Using both Outlook email app or using the webmail app it does not allow me access for my email address 
I attempted the same on the main account email address with the same result.

View solution in original post


Hi @koaladerke . Do you have any problem with the main email address on your account or only the slave address?

Does this problem occur on your ethernet computer or on wifi device?

When the email is stuck in Send folder, can you make the client retry sending or do you have to let the client do it when it can?

When an email is stuck in the Send folder, can you still access the internet from this device?

Level 3


Thank you for your response.


Do you have any problem with the main email address on your account or only the slave address? Just the slave email address

Does this problem occur on your ethernet computer or on wifi device? Both as I use a laptop as well as my desktop computer.

When the email is stuck in Send folder, can you make the client retry sending or do you have to let the client do it when it can? If I try to resend whilst in send folder it will send multiple emails, If I let it send eventually only one email is sent.

When an email is stuck in the Send folder, can you still access the internet from this device? Yes I can access the internet and complete other internet based tasks.


@koaladerke . There are fixes for this error code on the internet but they don't seem relevant because your slave email is eventually sent; antivirus and Windows firewall.

Can you try using Outlook logging? There are Microsoft articles about how to turn logging on, and where the logging files are.

The most useful file will be the SMTP one. Get a run of Outlook sending an email from your main address, save the SMTP log file, then another run trying to send from your slave address.

Level 3

@david64 ,


I have done as you advised, the suspect email was working great, then all of a sudden it went back to doing the hold in outbox and the Sending' reported error (0x800CCC0F) again.

I checked my settings as per the TPG settings and I get the message in the attached image.



@koaladerke . Were you able to get the Outlook logging working? It ought to have more detailed information.

Level 3


Which file would this information be in?


@koaladerke . I'm guessing it would be the SMTP file

Level 3



I have attached what it could be as an image, I was unable to locate any file named STMP.

I hope it assist Smiley Happy


@koaladerke . This is the info I was after. It's SMTP. You can copy and paste as text into your reply rather than attaching it as an image.

You're using STARTTLS for security.

You try to login with your email address and are then disconnected. I don't know why.

Can you get this logging again for a successful send? If your slave is stuck in a cycle of not working, do it for your main address.

Are you still using the public ip address shown in the log or has it changed since yesterday?