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Level 2
Sorry to report that all of the solutions you helped me with have actually not stopped the intermittent interruptions when I am streaming on my smart TV. (IOS devices are working fine.)

I have done factory resets of the modem, turned the router off and on, switched WiFi on the TV to the 5g profile without luck.


Hi @dianneforster,

We ran an initial test to the service, let us monitor the connection for the next 24hrs. In the event that you experience the same issue, let us know so we can arrange one of our Technicians to contact you for real-time test and investigation.



Sorry to report that all of the solutions you helped me with have actually not stopped the intermittent interruptions when I am streaming on my smart TV. (IOS devices are working fine.)

I have done factory resets of the modem, turned the router off and on, switched WiFi on the TV to the 5g profile without luck.


Level 15

Hi @dianneforster . Can you do another speed test. Do it on your Mac. Use ethernet connection if the Mac has one. Don't do any streaming while test runs. Use the speed test on TPG support page. Turn off your VPN if you use one.

Can you post the result back here.

If you are on NBN100, your download speed should usually be over 90. Upload speed 17 or 18.


Level 2

Hi David, you've given me a different answer to your colleague, Shane who has indicated that they did a speed test and are monitoring it. I keep doing them and they are fine. I'd really like to avoid going through everything all over again if possible and just get a technician out here already. Nothing else is working.


Hi @dianneforster


How many devices are you using at the same time while streaming on your TV?


Is it possible to connect the TV using an Ethernet cable to the modem/router? This is to eliminate the WiFi signal issues.



Level 15

@BasilDV  . In the original thread ( @Shane ), user provided a screenshot showing download speed of 50, which is ok for NBN50 but not for NBN100. So how can you say it is NBN12?

Also issue of whether vpn is being used. Screenshot shows GSL Networks, not TPG.



Thank you for pointing it out @david64.


I've edited my response.




Level 2

Okay, hopefully I can answer your questions and I have attached a new speed test photo. 

As far as the router goes: There is a yellow cable attaching it to the modem. If you're asking me if I can attach a blue ethernet cable you'll have to tell me more. Are you asking me if I can connect a the modem and router to each other with a blue cable? I otherwise have no other way to do it and have never needed to do so. 

I do have VPN on my Mac but that is nothing new. At the time I stream I usually have my phone on WiFi as well but none of this has been a problem before and I've had TPG for a long time. Nonetheless, even when I'm only using 4g on my phone it still happens. I still have the TV set up to the 5g version as instructed by not my phone or Mac. 


Hi @dianneforster


We'll arrange a call from our Tech team to check on this further.

Someone will be in touch with you between 11AM - 12NN today.


If you have any preferred time to receive a call, please let me know.



Level 2

Great, thanks for that.