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TPG NBN Port Forwaring issue after moving house

Level 2

I am asking on behalf of a TPG client in Australia who moved from a standalone house to an appartment complex a few months ago.

He has been and is using an Archer VR1600 router.

For the last few years he had been successfully using Openvpn to connect to his Synology NAS when away from his house with no issues from his old house.

After moving to his new premises he had his TPG service moved to the new premises.

I think the appratment complex is FTTB.

The internet etc works fine but he has never been able to get the  Openvpn to work at the new location.

The Port Forwarding configuration is still in the router as it is the exact same router used at his old house.

The NAS log is saying that it can see two routers at his new location and that the other router that is in the appartment complex should be in bridge mode.

Given that the Comms Room somewhere in the appartment complex is inaccesible to us we cannot make any changes.

We have been having trouble communicating this issue to your support.

So far the support we have talked to do not seem to be aware of Port Forwarding or the term NAS or maybe are miss hearing what we are saying. And simply fob us off saying check the firewall etc..

So my question is simply who can we (the TPG Client & I) can contact so as to solve this issue (that has the knowledge) to help us?

Hopefully someone can help. Very frustrating.


Hi @srwaldo . The port forwarding rule has to specify which interface is to be used.

FTTB/FTTN uses a ptm interface. If previous house was FTTC/FTTP/HFC, a ewan interface would be used.

In the rule, specify the interface which is shown in network status. 

I don't know about the two routers business.

Level 2

Thanks David,

                 Appreciate your response.

                 Will look into the interface setting when I can get to the modem. You are right the interface would not of been changed from the old location as the advice from TPG to their Client was that is was a simple matter of moving the router from the old place to the new place and plugging it in..

                The two routers msg is reported by the Synology NAS. (this error not reported at the other house or on 3 other NAS's I know of at other locations).

Msg from NAS is as follows:

"NAS Router Configuration function uses the UPnP protocol to set port-forwarding rules for the router within the same subnet. If you have two routers connected in series, the UPnP message can only reach the child router. This makes the parent router unable to apply the port-forwarding rules."


So I was thinking given that this new house is an appartment within say 30 appartments could it be that there is some sort of other router before the Archer VR1600 somewhere in a comms Room withing the complex?

The other house (that was working ) used HFC to the NBN.

Thanks again Smiley Happy

Level 2

Checked the Interface name:

It was set to:  ewan_pppoe (as it was at the old house)

Changed it to:  pppoe_ptm_o_d  (as suggested)

This has made no difference as far as Openvpn is concerned.

I still think that the message regarding two routers that can be seen and that one of these should be possibly in bridged mode is or maybe the issue. Trouble is that we do not have any control of the possible second router instance as we can only administer the Archer VR1600V that is in the appartment.

Is there anyway of talking with someone in support that is across Port Forwarding with the NBN in an appartment complex type environment?

Any other ideas would be appreciated.


Hey srwaldo,


So we're on the same page, is the TPG client you're referring to connected with his own NBN plan with us, or is he sharing someone else's? Has this worked at all at their new place, or has he had these problems since moving in?


- kate_

Level 2

Thanks Kate.

He has his own plan with TPG. His Internet etc works at his new place but so far have not been able to get Openvpn to work like it did at his old address (which was only a few kilometers away ).

His old house was a standalone house using HFC. His new house is part of a townhouse complex.

He has tried a few times talking with your support but has so far not made any progress. I can manage 4 synology routers (as just a friend helping out) using Openvpn with either Telstra or Optus and until this client moved to his new address and had his TPG address transferred had no problems with TPG at his old premises. It is just that Client needs me to talk  about this issue on his behalf. He tried to organise a conf call with support and me included to no avail.

Just fyi... when I say Client I mean TPG's Client..

Can give you the Client info but not in this forum.. just advise the best way of doing this..


@srwaldo . Using the ptm_0_d is for a Data only plan without VLAN ID. But internet works so that must be ok.

Can you check the Archer System Log for any messages related to NAS MAC address.

Does the NAS have a system log? It would be useful to know the other ip address.

Any more info in the other link indicator shown in the picture?

Can you do the speedtest on TPG support page on an ethernet computer. Are you getting proper speeds for your plan?

Check Archer DSL stats. He 2 speed values and 2 error counts might be most useful.

Does NAS have a fixed local ip address?

Try this. Turn NAS off. Disconnect Archer from wall socket. Restart it. Turn NAS on. Does it still get error about second router?

Level 2

Thanks David... have powered off disconnected and powered a few times including today - no change.

We only changed to ptm because you suggested.. so should it be ptm or ewan because either way makes no difference to the Openvpn issue. The Client has a TPG home phone.

The NAS has a Static IP Address.

I can connect to the NAS using Synology's quickconnect option (an alternative to Openvpn but not as secure) in the past an currently.

As far as log info is concerned there is just the Openvpn Connect log which I could provide but because it has some ip addresses that I don want to advertise here in this forum..not a good idea.

Like I said before the internet performance is as expected.

What no one has explained is how is your TPG service delivered in the case of multiple Townhouse / Appartment environment.

All that we see in the appartment is an RJ45 socket that is connected to the DSL port on the Archer VR1600V router.. We have no access to wherever this RJ45 socket connects to within the complex.

Like Ive said many times the router and NAS are the same harware wise and configuration wise with the exception of the ewan to ptm change you suggested.

Basically to me it looks like Port Forwarding will not come active because of this "other router" somewhere withing the TPG setup on the site in the Comms Room of the Townhouse Complex that according to the Townhouse supervisor is controlled by the various Telco's that occupants of the various appartments may use.

What is the difference between the way TPG delivered the service to this Client at his old house to how it is now (besides it was HFC and now I believe it is FTTH).

On the local LAN are:

The Archer Router

Synology NAS hard wired via Cat 6 RJ45

A Laptop connected by Wifi

Two mobile phones connected via wifi

A printer connected via wifi

Pretty simple and there is no second router any on the local LAN.

Surely this is a pretty straight forward concept..?



@srwaldo . Are you using the Openvpn server built-in to Archer? If so, be aware that TPG have removed that function in the latest firmware (and in the one prior). What is your version?

If not using the Archer vpn server, what device provides it?


If you disconnect the Archer from wall socket and reboot everything and still have this two router issue, it is not caused by the FTTB equipment.


If you are using the VOIP phone, you should be using this interface: pppoe_ptm_2_0_d (or was that a typo before?). This should be the one that shows in Network status and the one to use in forwarding rule.


Level 2

The Openvpn is an app in the Synology NAS. Latest version.

There is NO second router mentioned with the Archer disconnected. No router mentioned at all.

The interface: pppoe_ptm_2_0_d  statement was probably a typo... I think it give you a choice of 2. It is as per the attachment I added.

The phone is used for incomming calls only.

This Openvpn is used to connect with the NAS.

On the LAN is a TV connected via wifi also (forgot about this) which works fine for streaming.. Netflix etc.

This Openvpn setup worked for 3 or 4 years at the old house with TPG. The only thing that has changed is the service at the new premises from HFC to FFTB. All the hardware within the Appartment LAN is the same with the exception adding interface: pppoe_ptm_2_0_d  instead of the ewan_pppoe statement.

What does the DSL connection in the Appartment connect to at your end in the buildings comms cabinet?

Feel we are going around in circles here..

The replyers..are you just other community users or from TPG support?