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sagemcom fast 5866t wifi issue

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hi Shane,

Another issue...the management interface of the router is different now than when I first turned  it on  a few days ago; the wifi configuration page is missing!...

can not change passwords , channels etc!

Level 2
I have the same issue. Connects to my phone hotspot but not the router. Tried all usual remedies. Wondering if the older surfaces can't deal with differentiating dual band with same sid. Can't try setting different SIDs because the wifi configuration option disappeared - another apparently common fault of that router...

Hi @mrhoades


What troubleshooting have you tried so far?

You may try the factory reset if reboot, etc. did not work.


Let us know how it goes.



Level 2

Was this ever resolved?


I have this same wi-fi issue with an old Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (SP3) to a Sagecomm 5G 5866T. The SP3 has connected to literally hundreds of different networks in it's life without issue until now!

Level 2


this fixed my problem.


my random thoughts: It looks like for some reason Microsoft Windows and / or Microsoft Surface (yes they make both software and hardware for this!) stopped automatically updating the Marvell network drivers at some point. The SP3 probably had no idea how to communicate with the TPG modern until one installs the most recent (still old) drivers. Also something odd about the Sagemcom that makes it not backward compatible with older devices?? Curious but also seriously I don't really care lol

Level 3
Level 3

hi there Shane,

this bloody router is terrible!

Now I can not get the wifi to work in 5Ghz at all; only 2.4Ghz works....

Is there a new roputer TPG is supplying?

I need it changed.

pls advise.

Thank you


@crs Does the 5G light indicates that it's enabled? Have you tried resetting the modem yet?


Send us a private message with your details and we'll check out your option for replacement. 

Level 3
Level 3

how do i send a private message? thanks 
