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Home Phone Ported Out Without Confirmation

Level 2



Just got an issue today when my FTTB service suddenly cancelled due to the VOIP attached to the service was ported out to Symbio without my authorisation. Ann, a TPG customer service, said since Symbio knows my VOIP number, it was deemed an "authorized" porting request and that's why it was allowed to be ported.


I never heard nor been in contact with Symbio. I am the only authorized person who knows the details of my TPG account and I NEVER authorize nor request such porting request.


How is this possible? 

It is so frustating to know that it was so easy to port a phone number out of TPG by just quoting the phone number which resulted in the cancellation of the related FTTB service. I've also lost my number because of this and according to Ann, there is no way to get it back since it is with Symbio already.


Hi @littledb 


Welcome to TPG Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and reviewed the account.


We require the full account details (account number, Date of Birth, phone number, etc.) of our customer for us to accept the porting request from another provider. Symbio was able to provide us this information, which is why it progressed.


If you believe that the number is illegally ported, then you need to contact or coordinate with Symbio to have this investigated and request for proof.


Once it is proven that the number was illegally ported, then our Homephone Provisioning team will try to retrieve the number, but can't guarantee that it will be successful.



Level 2

Hi @BasilDV,


What you are saying is completely different from what Ann said. She said yesterday that all Symbio has to give is the phone number itself. That's why it was deemed as "authorized".


I highly doubt that Symbio has my account number and date of birth since I never been in contact with them.


Also, how do I coordinate with them to investigate this illegal number porting as I do not have any reference to this illegal action. All I have is my home phone number. I do not know whether an account has been created in Symbio or not and under whose details. Logically, TPG is the one who should help me report and investigate this issue as I believe there should be a reference number to the number porting request.


This is just so frustating.



UPDATE: I've finally able to track down the source of the issue and turns out Symbio was porting my number in an error. Unfortunately, there is no way for TPG to put back my number unless I am creating a new account. So dissappointed to know that I as a customer has to bear the consequences of an illegal porting request made without my authorisation. No one from TPG called me to confirm whether I made the porting request. Hopefully I am not being charged with $20 pre-payment again since I will be issued with new VOIP number.


Hi @littledb 


Did you request for a proof that Symbio incorrectly ported the number?


Do they still have your phone number? Our Homephone Provisioning team will try to get it back and requires the email that Symbio admit that the number was taken incorrectly. However, we can't guarantee that it will be successful.


Our system requires the account details before it accept the request of porting the number. It is unlikely for a service provider to have the details unless it was given to them, which is why confirmation is not needed.



Level 2

Hi @BasilDV 


According to my conversation with the support, they have sent an email (not sure to who) today saying that the number is back available for TPG. Hence, the reason why I call TPG support straight after that in a hope that I can retain the number. But apparently, TPG support stands by the original statement that even though it has been made available back, the admin team cannot re-assign it to my account since it can only be done for new account. TPG support says the only option if I do not want to create new account is to get new number.


At this point, due to conflicting information I received, I don't mind to get new number. I just want for this error (which is not caused by me) to be corrected as soon as possible and not having disruption to my service or having to pay $20 pre-payment again due to new number.


It is just so dissapointing to know how complicate it is to correct the issue and I as the customer has to deal with these inconviencences (not to mention I have to face a possible disruption and pay $20 again due to the new VOIP connection).




Hi @littledb,


Your feedback does matter as it will help us improve our service.


Just for clarification, you still have the $20 pre-payment on the current number, which will be credited to the account and will be used as the pre-payment of the new phone number that will be given to you.


We'll monitor the account and provide you with the updates as soon as it becomes available.




Hi @littledb,


Your phone number has been ported back to TPG and is now active. As discussed on the phone today, please reboot the connection and try to test the outgoing and incoming call of your telephone. 


If you encounter an issue, you may contact our Helpdesk Team at 13 14 23 options 2 and 1. 


Have a great day!