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Phone Answering machines - changing time incorrectly when call received. This was working perfectly until a few months ago. I had a Telecom phone answering maching where the time of the unit would change each time a call came in. I then bought a VTECH and the same thing is happening. It all points to the time stamp in the caller ID that comes from TPG. Is there any other possible explaination? if not, what is the fix.
Have you tried to set the time stamp on your phone manually?
If not, try it first.
You may also check the date and time settings on the modem/router and set it up manually.
May we know the make and model of the modem/router that you are using?
yes reset the handset many times. the Router is TPLINK AC1200. the time is correct in the router. I took it off auto, and set manuually, just in case. IF i could, i would disable CallerID at TPG, but it doesnt seem to be an option. There are enough post on support sites to suggest it is the timestamp coming from the ISP attached to the caller id that changes the phone time.