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Phone Service is not working

Level 3

I cannot make or receive calls.

The NBN Service indicator says no nbn outage detected. Clearly there is a problem.

Furthermore, there have been an unacceptable number of outages and the internet dropping out at inconvenient times over the last few days sometimes going on for hours. Right now, I can use the internet, but not the home phone.
When I call for help using a mobile phone, it says there is a long queue, then gives me an option for call back without loosing my place in the queue, then it asks me for a call back time for the next 7 days, and asks me to key in a date and time. When I do key it in such as when I called at Sunday 10:20, I keyed in Sunday 11:45 pm, it translated it as 1:45 PM Monday, that is one hell of a loosing a place in the queue. You need to make things simpler.

I try to buy something online, only it fails to complete because the internet drops out.

I call my bank and mid-call it terminates because the internet drops out.

The nbn service is not fit for purpose, and needs to start providing a service that actually works.

You do not have enough people manning your help lines the wait time is far too long, all being billed on the mobile phone.

Level 7

Presumably you are on VOIP. Which connection system are you using? (FTTN, FTTC, FTTP?)

Level 3

It is FTTN

Level 7

IMHO the most likely cause of a FTTN failure is a break or high resistance joint in the copper that connects you to the nearest node. Mods can arrange an end to end test.


Hi @SineNomine


How's your service?


If it's still not back, please send us a private message with your account details and we'll see how can we help.

