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5ghz wifi loses connection archer vr1600v


Hi @Nsuria


Thanks for raising this with us.

We'd like to arrange a call from our Senior Tech team tomorrow to check on this further.

Please send me a PM with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.


How do I private message (PM) in the community




Hi @mostafaashahin


Welcome to the Community!


Your modem currently has the latest version.

Have you tried to factory reset the modem/router? 


You may also check our articles that will help you improve your WiFi network.


Level 2
Yes, I called the technical support yesterday and they asked me to do reset to the router and they reconfigure it. They told me that the engineers will do some test to the router and message me. Ironically, I received an email that my ticket is closed and my problem is resolved without even contacted me !!!
Regarding your other suggestions of following steps to improve connectivity , not sure how this make the router not RESETING it self?
All the lights off and start to on again as you restarted the router, that happened more than one time a day.

Not sure how
Level 3
Level 3

Soooo.. my 5ghz is unusable again (it shows up in the available WiFi list sometimes, but upon connecting there's no actual connection).


Last time I phoned they got me to reset the modem.

I'm guessing that's all I'll get asked to do this time, too.


But I suppose that's the most I can hope for at this point?

Not applicable

Hi @mostafaashahin,


How often does the modem/router reboot itself? Please send me your account details (Username/Customer ID together with the address on file) so we can make further investigation on what happened on the previous escalated fault.


For reference: 


How do I private message (PM) in the community





Yes, I called the technical support yesterday and they asked me to do reset to the router and they reconfigure it. They told me that the engineers will do some test to the router and message me. Ironically, I received an email that my ticket is closed and my problem is resolved without even contacted me !!!
Regarding your other suggestions of following steps to improve connectivity , not sure how this make the router not RESETING it self?
All the lights off and start to on again as you restarted the router, that happened more than one time a day.

Not sure how
Not applicable

Hi @SGT,


The sudden loss of 5Ghz Wi-Fi network could be caused by Wireless Interference. As I previously mentioned on this thread, 


By default the 5Ghz Channel and Bandwidth are set to “Auto”. These settings were changed by specifying a channel and setting Bandwidth to 40MHz.

It is best to use a WiFi analyser to scan the 5GHz frequency to select a channel that has no or minimal interference when making the changes.

There are free WiFi analyser application available on Apple Store/Google Play Store that you can install and use to check which Wi-Fi channel have less interference.

We'd like to set your expectation that TPG is not promoting any specific application nor will it be responsible for any possible issue that it may cause on the system.




Let us know how it will go.





Soooo.. my 5ghz is unusable again (it shows up in the available WiFi list sometimes, but upon connecting there's no actual connection).


Last time I phoned they got me to reset the modem.

I'm guessing that's all I'll get asked to do this time, too.


But I suppose that's the most I can hope for at this point?

Level 2


Usually 3 or 4 times a day. Sometimes more especially when downloading files. It happened twice now while I'm writing this reply.


I sent my details in PM.



Not applicable

Hi @mostafaashahin,


Thanks for sending your details, I was able to locate the account and based on the recent escalated fault the ticket was closed because the connection went stable for 18hrs after performing a remote test with our Engineering Team. However, at the moment my initial test shows another series of drop outs from the modem/router's connection to our network.  

I will re-open the previous escalated fault and request for further investigation, expect feedback from our Engineering Team via SMS or Phone call within 24hrs. We apologise for any inconvenience.






Usually 3 or 4 times a day. Sometimes more especially when downloading files. It happened twice now while I'm writing this reply.


I sent my details in PM.



Level 3

@Nsuria wrote:

Thank you for your input @DavidGC .I had given up hope of ever finding a solution but after reading your experiences I am now confident that it is a modem issue. Please keep us updated with your experiences.


After a recent factory reset, I managed about 10 minutes connected to 5G before once again having it drop its internet connection. I'm now back onto 2.4 and sadly still waiting for a response from any of the support team.. @BasilDV @Anonymous 

I just wrote a much longer update with more details, but it keeps getting flagged as spam.

Short version is that I now suspect this is an overheating issue.


Warmer day here today, and I had a device get booted off the 5GHz network many times tonight with increasing frequency until I decided to wrap the modem/router inside a frozen towel. Then the device got kicked off the 5GHz network with decreasing frequency until the problems stopped. By that point, the modem/router was nice and cold inside its frozen towel with an ice pack sitting on top of it.


The 8mm thick heatsink (with no fan) inside the Archer is probably insufficient for what happens to the chip under heavy load, but I'm going to need to test this for another week or so to be sure this isn't just a coincidence.

Level 2

Hi @DavidGC . Thanks for the reply and updates on your modem. 

I have been having some success this week with the instructions provided by @Anonymous 

I used Wifi Analyzer on my phone to discover a clear local channel and reset everything to its default settings. I have so far had almost 2 weeks of stable 5Ghz connection with multiple devices and several TPG/ speedtests. I am hopeful that this problem has been resolved for now and hope this post is helpful to others.From a practical use perspective my download speeds have doubled using 5Ghz vs 2.4GHz..Its a shame the modem cannot automatically configure itself to do this but for now I'm winning. 

Best of luck


Mode: AC Only


Width: 40MHz

Transmit Power: High

Firmware Version:1.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 180828 Rel.35294n

Hardware Version:Archer VR1600v v1 00000000


Best of luck to everyone else w