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Can I use my Nighthawk AX2400 with TPG

Level 2


I tired to connect my Nighthawk AX2400 Wireless router but it will not connect to the internet.

Is the device not compatible with TPG NBN service?


Hi @Naviti . The settings are PPPoE, username + and password. If you are on FTTP, this is all that's needed. Otherwise, you need to set VLAN ID=2. This iiNet article describes this setting for the Nighthawk RAX80 which has same menu layout as the RAX30.


Level 2
Tried this but no luck

@Naviti . Is this a new connection or has it been working before? Maybe with a different router?

On NBN box, what lights are on? And on the AX2400?


Level 2
Was working before on my Huawei HG659

All lights on nbn are on, nighthawk has on lights white except internet which is Amber.
Level 2
Got off the phone with TPG
I've got a Nbn HFC account.

@Naviti . There might be an omission in the iiNet article. See Step 9 below. Add all ethernet ports and both wifi networks to the tag group.

The amber Internet light means the router has detected the HFC NBN box.

Are you on a Bundled NBN/VOIP plan? This includes a home phone even though you don't use it. The alternative was a BYO-router data only plan which doesn't use the vlan setup. Also, the Superfast and Ultrafast plans don't use vlan setup.


6. Select the By VLAN tag group radio button. The page expands.
7. Click the Add button. The Add VLAN Rule page displays.
8. Specify the following settings for the VLAN tag group:
• Name. Enter a name for the VLAN tag group. The name can be up to 10 characters.
• VLAN ID. Enter a value from 1 to 4094.
• Priority. Enter a value from 0 to 7.
9. Select the check box for a wired Ethernet port or wireless network.
If your device is connected to an Ethernet port on the router, select the wired Ethernet port check box that corresponds to the Ethernet port on the router to which the device is connected. If your device is connected to your router’s WiFi network, select the WiFi check box that corresponds to the router’s WiFi network to which the device is connected.
You must select at least one Ethernet port or wireless network. You can select more than one port.
10. Click the Add button.
The VLAN tag group is added.
11. Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.


The router's system log might have something useful. Reboot router, give it 5 minutes, then login, select ADVANCED > Administration > Logs. However the log is displayed, add it to your reply here, as much as you can.


Level 2
Is my TPG password the same as my internet password?

@Naviti . The username and password in the router is the one you use to login to Post Ofice and My Account. 

Not your Community details.

Level 2

Tried all options.

Called tpg (can not help as its a third party router)

Called Netgear (unable to assist)


I guess I'll have to go back to the shops to return router