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Chromecast requires to disable AP isolation on my Huawei Home Gateway HG630

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Level 3


Google Home/Chromecast installation went successful, but cannot find the wifi network on my Huawei Home Gateway HG630.
Connecting to AndroidAP via tethering works, but is costly.
So, the issue is not with Chromecast, but with the HG630

The help file from the modem points to AP Isolation control between Hide Brodcast and Security on Basic -> WLAN -> WLAN page, but I cannot see it there.

Huawei forum says that disabling AP isolation should be controlled by ISP, not by the user.

1. Can TPG support please disable AP isolation on my modem?
2. If you cannot, is HG630 not good enough for Chromecast, because it doesn't allow to control AP isolation?
What replacement options are available?

Thank you



Accepted Solutions
Level 3


It was just a matter of pressing the WPS button on the HG630 at the right time, when Chromecast was trying to connect to the wifi.

For some reason, the provided wifi credentials were not sufficient, WPS was required.

And the recommendation during Chromecast setup to disable AP isolation on the router was rather misleading.

Thank you @BasilDV @david64 for your participation, recommendations and support


View solution in original post


Hi @serge2020. On the HG630, is the WLAN light on? If not, enable the wifi function using the button on the side of the HG630, or enable it through the web configuration (Basic > WLAN).

Your Android phone should tell you when HG630 wifi is active and signal strength.

The manual I saw doesn't mention AP Isolation so I'd say it's not an issue; not something the ISP would control anyhow.

Level 3

Hi @david64 ,
Thank you for the prompt reply.
My WIFI is on, I can see the TPG-3ZPJ (my local WIFI) network and connect to it from the phone and the laptop. (screenshot with the HG630 control panel and the help page referring to AP isolation is attached)

Chromcast has been working perfectly through the TPG-3ZPJ network for the last year or so.
It's only a few days sinse Chromecast started to fail. 

Should I search for a replacement to HG630?
HG630 without AP isolation.png


Hi @serge2020 . Did TPG supply the HG630 or did you acquire it yourself?  If from TPG, they may have new firmware. If you acquired it, you might be able to get firmware from Huawei.

Are you ADSL or NBN?  If NBN, do you have the TPG supplied router to try?

Either way, you could try a factory reset on the HG630. You will have to do the config again.

Level 3

Hi @david64 
My TPG plan is FTTB with Home Phone 100Mbps - M sinse 2017.

I cannot find any information, where I've got the HG630 from. Most likely it is from TPG, after they changed back from Wondercomm, but I am not certain.

Firmware from Huawei for this model is not available. They recommend to ask the ISP:

Doing factory reset by my own scaries me a bit, I don't do it every day.

I think I'll give TPG a call tomorrow, and if they don't help then move to another provider.

Thank you for your participation, @david64 


Hi @serge2020


Welcome to the Community!


As you've advised that the Chromecast was working fine before. Was there any update from Chromecast before the issue started?

Also, we've sent you a PM. Please respond once you've decided.



Level 3

Hi @BasilDV 

There must've been a Chromecast update, though I didn't apply it consciously.
Chromecast just stopped showing it's icon on youtube window and in the list of cast services in Chrome menu. I waited a few days, because occassionaly my wifi was not working, once in a month, after a few 30+ days in a row.
Even without wifi, Chromecast was still accessible from my ethernet-connected desktop, but some 2 weeks ago Chromecast has disappeared from everywhere. I had to reset Chromecast via the push button, this is when I noticed a new Home application on my Android prompting to continue installation of Chromecast, that I did, and until I've got recommendation to disable AP isolation on a router.

I will respond to you PM message.


Hi @serge2020


Thank you for the information.


If the Chromecast was working fine before the update, then it means that the AP isolation is already disabled with the modem/router that you are using.

If it was enabled, then the Chromecast will not work initially.


We've checked this issue and it shows that it's a known issue within Chromecast. Have you tried the troubleshooting given here:

Were you able to contact Google support in order to check on this issue further?




Level 3


It was just a matter of pressing the WPS button on the HG630 at the right time, when Chromecast was trying to connect to the wifi.

For some reason, the provided wifi credentials were not sufficient, WPS was required.

And the recommendation during Chromecast setup to disable AP isolation on the router was rather misleading.

Thank you @BasilDV @david64 for your participation, recommendations and support