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I can't get Chromecast (2nd Generation) to connect to my TPG FTTB WiFi on 5G. It will connect on 2G but 2nd Generation does have 5G capability.
I have tried connecting my modile phone WiFi to the Chromecast and then launching the Home App .. I just get the the same point of it not connecting faster.
Any suggestions other than checking the name of the network and password?
Pleased to say I solved my own problem. It would appear the Chromecast REALLY HATES the name TPG Routers give the 5G band .. I am guessing it is the use of a "-" in the name. Change the name and bingo it works
(FWIW, just to play it safe, I gave the 2G & 5G networks entirely different names with no special characters at all)
Hi @DavidHN . Is this a distance problem? The 5G band has less range than 2.4G.
Regarding the network names, usually, the 2.4G and 5G are different names.
Regarding the speed, are both devices connecting to the 5G?
Hi @david64 thanx for getting back
I am quite confident I am doing exactly what I am meant to be doing and it just isn't working, so it is more whether or not anyone knows and special little tricks to get it to work
Pleased to say I solved my own problem. It would appear the Chromecast REALLY HATES the name TPG Routers give the 5G band .. I am guessing it is the use of a "-" in the name. Change the name and bingo it works
(FWIW, just to play it safe, I gave the 2G & 5G networks entirely different names with no special characters at all)
Hi @skshakib01
You need to disable the DHCP of the VX420 modem/router.
First, connect to the LAN or WiFi of the Vx420, then access the modem interface by going to the
Once inside, go to Advanced tab > Operation mode > Choose Wireless Router mode and save.
Then go to Network > LAN settings > Disable the DHCP and save.
You can now connect the 5G HWB modem/router via LAN to the Vx420.
Let us know how it goes.
@BasilDV . You said "Choose Wireless Router mode". Is that correct?
TPG don't produce manuals for their supplied routers, but from what is available for other models, the proper setting would be "Access Point". This might automatically disable DHCP and NAT (or it needs to be done specifically).
If router doesn't have an Access Point mode, setting it to Dynamic IP (instead of PPoE) could work.
Another user has had success by creating a Guest network for wifi devices.
Thank you @david64
The customer may try that first if there's no Access point option available.