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Does TPG throttle XBOX downloads?

Level 2


I have TPG FTTC with the TP VR1600v

I cannot get downloads via the xbox to be consistent.


I have found a few suggestions on here and tried them all with no luck. I messed around with the settings for a long time last night and the connection held at 40Mbps for a few minutes so I thought it was solved... Then it always seems to drop quickly to 500kpbs.. Feels like something is throttled on the TPG side?


Have tried forwarding ports, using Google and CloudFlare DNS etc. Most configurations will just stay at 500kbps but sometimes it will spike as high as 100Mbps+ ... but always drops back to 500kbps after a short time. It's a 50 down connection and if I run the connection test on the xbox it will show 43/15 ish


I have a 100 down connection at another location with AussieBroadband and Xbox downloads are ~100Mbps consistently. Is TPG throttling this or am I missing something obvious in the setup? Can TPG give me a step by step guide to set this up?




Hi JNulla,

Here is a link to try, I hope it helps.




Level 2


Hi, that solution did not improve things at all.

Level 2


Any ideas? I port forwarded, reserved IP, DMZ etc


Are you using the xbox via ethernet or wifi?

What are you doing when the speed drops to 500kbps? How is the speed being indicated?

What are you downloading and where does it come from?

Do a tracert to the server doing the downloads, or the gaming host, at different times of the day. Are there any delays along the way? You'll need to do the same thing using your aussiebb connection. The routing may be different.

Do you use the speed test on TPGs home page? It will test the nbn connection without other network delays.  If you were to run several of these one after the other, would they all report the 43/15 ish?  Don't see how the speed can spike to over 100 on 50/20 connection.


Level 2

This has also been happening for a little while for me, and is now a big problem.


- I'm on TPG FTTB


- Speedtest on laptop and iOS devices on my home WiFi and Ethernet: typically ~92Mbps


- Built-in speedtest on Xbox, when on my home network connected to TPG: ~90Mbps


- Xbox Game download, when on my home network connected to TPG: will typically be as slow as 200-300Kbps. Occasionally it will ramp up to 40-60Mbps, but only for a few seconds / 1 minute. It's almost always less than 1Mbps, and often as low as 200Kbps.


- Xbox Game download, when the Xbox is tethered to my mobile phone 4G (vodafone): an in-progress game download will *immediately* ramp up to 30-40Mbps, and *consistently* maintain that download speed while on the Vodafone 4g network.


- When I switch the Xbox to go back to the TPG connection, the in-progress game download *immediately* drops down, back to as low as 200-300Kbps for most of the time.


As noted above, the issue is isolated to just Xbox game downloads, on the TPG network.


Telephone tech support took a while to convince of the problem, but eventually we did a traceroute to one of the relevant URLs ( on my laptop - and it shows consistent, repeatable delays in jumping from a tpg to aapt IP address in the route, which someone else has noted in these forums (TPG/AAPT are in the same company). That route and delay doesn't exist in the traceroute when my laptop is tethered to my mobile phone 4g connection.


At their request, have sent the traceroute data to their engineers there for further analysis.

Level 3
I have the same issue, I can use any other device downloads are fine, Speedtest is fine and around 92/25, on the xbox the Speedtest is around 95mbps, can play online no dramas stream in HD ect no dramas (from xbox) but the moment it’s either updating or installing sits around 500kbps/2mbps, I’ve done everything possible. I use my phone and it downloads at the phones max speed plug into my modem via Ethernet cord and speeds back around 2mbps
Not applicable

Hi @AzLol,

Welcome to the community!

We're sad to know that you're having issues with the transfer rate of your XBOX. We'd like to take a look into this, to better understand the situation. PM me your account details (Username/Customer ID together with the address on file).

Also include the screen shot of the download speed you made when XBOX is connected via Mobile Data and the dowload speed result when its connected to your home network.

In case you need a reference: How do I private message (PM) in the community


This has also been happening for a little while for me, and is now a big problem.


- I'm on TPG FTTB

- Speedtest on laptop and iOS devices on my home WiFi and Ethernet: typically ~92Mbps



- Built-in speedtest on Xbox, when on my home network connected to TPG: ~90Mbps


- Xbox Game download, when on my home network connected to TPG: will typically be as slow as 200-300Kbps. Occasionally it will ramp up to 40-60Mbps, but only for a few seconds / 1 minute. It's almost always less than 1Mbps, and often as low as 200Kbps.


- Xbox Game download, when the Xbox is tethered to my mobile phone 4G (vodafone): an in-progress game download will *immediately* ramp up to 30-40Mbps, and *consistently* maintain that download speed while on the Vodafone 4g network.


- When I switch the Xbox to go back to the TPG connection, the in-progress game download *immediately* drops down, back to as low as 200-300Kbps for most of the time.


As noted above, the issue is isolated to just Xbox game downloads, on the TPG network.


Telephone tech support took a while to convince of the problem, but eventually we did a traceroute to one of the relevant URLs ( on my laptop - and it shows consistent, repeatable delays in jumping from a tpg to aapt IP address in the route, which someone else has noted in these forums (TPG/AAPT are in the same company). That route and delay doesn't exist in the traceroute when my laptop is tethered to my mobile phone 4g connection.


At their request, have sent the traceroute data to their engineers there for further analysis.

Not applicable

Hi @johnmcgirr1296,

For comparative test and further investigation. Please send me the test result the screen shot of the download speed you made when XBOX is connected via Mobile Data and the dowload speed result when its connected to your home network..


Level 3
These are tests using my TPG account, as you can see both the xbox test (via Ethernet) and the screen shot of Speedtest (wifi) shows my correct speed, but the download is ranging from 500kbps/3Mbps. I’ve done everything required, restarting modem/xbox ect