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Maximum Wifi clients.

Level 3
Hi there, just wondering what is the maximum number of WiFi clients that the Archer v1600v is able to handle. Thanks.

Hi @dexstar


Welcome to the Community!


The modem/router can handle 32 clients, 16 on each band (2.4GHz and 5GHz).

We do not recommend connecting more than 20 WiFi clients to the VR1600v for performance reasons.



Level 3
Thanks for that. I've got around 30 IoT devices at the moment and what would be the best way of managing them. Any suggestions? Thanks again for taking the time to help out.

Hi @dexstar


You may use a WiFi extender or access point to provide you more clients within your service.



Level 3
Ok an AP seems like the easiest solution. Any recommendations for one that works well with my router? Would a managed switch with Vlans do the same job? Just looking at my options. Thanks again. 👍
Level 3
I found this in the advanced settings. So the Archer VR1600v can do VLANs ? Am I wrong ?

Hi @dexstar . The VLAN ID here relates to vlan tagging of frames sent through NBN to get to TPG. Don't quite understand it. But it doesn't refer to creating vlans in the local network.

The moderator mentioned a limit of 20 devices. But your iot devices aren't going to be big bandwidth things (smart switches, a few cameras, solar inverter, etc) so you might be able to manage 30. You'll need to arrange devices; close to router can use 5G; further away use 2.4G. Although bandwidth is a consideration; 2.4G is slower than 5G.

If the router can't handle 32 devices, an extender will work (20 on one and 10 on the other) but there is still the limit of 32, I think, because the devices through extender are still wifi devices.