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NBN install failed because could not access the MDF room.

Level 2
Hi, after organise date and time with TPG the tech from NBN showed up a couple of hours earlier which was fine but it could not finish the job because he did not have the right key to access the MDF door. He suggested to call the BM.
Called the BM and he told me that strata looks after the key. I have called strata finding a rude person on the other side telling me that only TELSTRA and OPTUS can get the key from them and any other provider have their own key. Sick of the situation I have involved my real estate agency that slowly slowly is giving me nonsense solutions . Other units in my building have tpg and they did not go through all this at all.This was the 23 rd of May, today still with no solution from both sides. Anyone else in the same situation?
Not applicable

Hi @jacko877,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We're sorry to know that you are having issues with the service and we apologise for the inconvenience this is causing you.


We have located the account using your community details and we can see that the issue has been escalated to our Provisioning Team.


We have forwarded your message to the team and the case manager will contact you to further discuss the matter. Thank you.


Hi @jacko877,


We understand that our Service delivery team has been in touch and will raise a service request with NBN Co to check if they are able to get the MDF key access to proceed with the installation.


Further updates will be given by your case manager.


Should you require further assistance, please let us know.


Kind regards,


Level 2
Thanks for the help.