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Proof of occupancy email bounce back

Level 2

I cannot seem to provide proof of occupancy docs via the email address: I receive a constant bounce back, why?


Hi @huttone1 . Can you copy and paste the error details from the bounce back in your reply. 

Just X out your own email address.

From a search in Community, this email address has been a LONG TERM problem.


@huttone1 . In the bounce mail, the recipient name has acquired "sd" in front of nbnpod. Can you check that the name is correct when you type the recipient. 

Also try sending to

Are you using the TMC webmail interface or a mail client on your device?


Send a private message to a moderator. 


Include the link to this thread:

Since TPG still owns the "tpgtelecom" domain (since they want the proof document), they can check this from their end with their email provider.


If you have been transferred to TMC, this might be something for them to fix. Make a support call for this problem. Include the image of the bounce message.

The things to note:

550 SPF Sender Invalid - envelope rejected

Reason: The inbound message has been rejected because the originated IP address isn't listed in the published SPF records for the sending domain.

Action: Ensure all the IP addresses for your mail servers are listed in your SPF records. Alternatively, create a DNS Authentication (Inbound / Outbound) policy with the "Inbound SPF" or "Reject on Hard Fail" option disabled. Messages that fail our SPF checks are subjected to spam and RBL checks instead of being rejected.

Level 2

Hi unfortunately no luck sending to and from my own mail provider

Level 2

Hi is there any other way I can submit the proof of occupancy documentation today? 

Community Manager

Hey @huttone1,


We'll see what we can do. Can you send me a DM?