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TPG Email Decision: Trust Betrayal

Level 2

TPG Email Decision: Trust Betrayal.

I originally emailed TPG on July 27, 2023 to protest the unethical and disgraceful decision to outsource the email service and to request the decision be reversed. Sadly this correspondence has fallen on deaf ears and in the meantime TPG reputation is being badly trashed by the events unfolding as a consequence of this decision.

The purpose of this email is to draw the attention of the executives to the maelstrom that has been released. At present there are many petitions circulating, direct communication with TPG is occurring , social media coverage is growing as well as main stream media coverage, and approaches have been made to the ACCC, to name just a few of the consequences that have unfolded as a result of this decision.

A common theme amongst these many forms of protest is that the email service is considered an integral part of the TPG package to which loyal customers subscribed and that any suggestion that this was complimentary is a total farce. There are customers who have been loyal for over 20 years who if forced to migrate will be seeking alternative email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail etc., and once successful will abandon TPG as their ISP.. The long term consequence of customers moving to other ISPs could seriously damage the ongoing viability of TPG.

It is becoming obvious that the approach adopted by TPG is destroying their customer loyalty. There was no consultation, no consent to the proposed changes, and only one unacceptable choice was provided. Common perceptions are that TPG is no longer trustworthy, that they are acting without any integrity and the proposed email changes are of dubious legality.

Further compounding the mistrust of TPG is the failure to provide a fair and meaningful deadline to transfer. Given that many email accounts are decades old then a period of at least a year would be needed to create their own alternative email accounts and update the many links in existence. In addition some customers simply cannot work to the ridiculously short deadline proposed as they have commitments such as overseas travel etc. which make it an impossible deadline.

Furthermore “The Messaging Company” is perceived as an unknown company who probably cannot be trusted with sensitive email accounts. In addition transfer problems and inability to communicate with this company in any meaningful way (not even a phone number) with this company have heightened concerns that this could well be an unscrupulous, untrustworthy organisation.

TPG customers are also asking if TPG can abandon integral parts of their product package, what else can they change with no meaningful consultation and notice. Does this mean for example, that the Landline service can be abandoned with virtually no notice. I would suggest that if trust for TPG is destroyed then the ongoing business is doomed.

So in summary, it is clear that the TPG decision to abandon emails is an absolute disaster which is rapidly destroying TPG’s reputation. Clearly the longer this situation is allowed to persist the greater ongoing damage to TPG’s reputation and ongoing viability.

I would urge TPG to immediately extend the deadline for migration by at least a year in fairness to their customers and to provide time for TPG to re-examine the email decision. The obvious long term solution to the problems which have been created is to reverse the decision to abandon the email service.

I trust this submission will be treated seriously and that TPG will act quickly to address the meaningful concerns of their “once” loyal customers.

Yours sincerely

Chris Christodoulou

Level 3

I joined TPG in 2004 on the ADSL Broadband Value Plan. This Plan included 5 email addresses.

In 2017 I and all my neighbours in the outer suburbs of Sydney were forced to migrate the new Fixed Wireless Plans as the Telstra fixed wire system was removed.

I accepted an offer from TPG to join their NBN Fixed Wireless Plan, Boost (nbn25). I am still on this plan.

A transcript of a Live Help Chat with TPG in Oct 2017 confirms "Yes you will still be able to keep the same TPG email you have". I am still using those 5 email addresses today that I got in 2004.

So TPG are attempting to breach their supply agreement and I have the documentation to prove it.

It will be expensive and time consuming to migrate to a new mail server. For those like me who do not want to be part of the crowd at Gmail etc it is expensive to set up a mail server with 5 email addresses, about AU$ 150 to 200 PA. So I believe that we need to be compensated by TPG or our existing email accounts be left intact for say the next 20 years. 

Is a Class Action being considered?