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email problems again

Level 3

[WARNING] - A warning occurred. Account: "", Protocol: "POP (Automatic)", Task: POP get all messages, Server: "", Port: 995, TLS: Yes (1.0), Error message: "Authentication failed. You may have entered incorrect username and password. Open Account Properties and make a correction. Server error: Login (failed). C: USER (>>>>); R: +OK USER  (>>>>>>) set, mate; C: PASS ***; R:" For more details look in "Log" tab - error messages are marked in red color.


Hello I keep on getting this message coming up when I use my email.

Ive blocked out my user name with (>>>>>>) for this message. Can the mods pls tell me why it's happening and why I can not log into TPG mail box from the TPG. 


I'm sick and tried with TGP's email problems and if not fixed will go to another supplier! 


Hi @freezer101 . Can you check that this username and password can login to My Account, as long as the username is the account owner.

Can it login to Post Office (webmail)?

Which email client are you using?

An email client requires username and password to login to the mail sever.

Does the "Log" tab give you more details?

What do you do to login to the mail server using email client, or has it never worked?

Level 3

It's an email problem.


Yes, I can log into my Account using my username and password. I even get a mobile message for proof via numbers of who I am.

No, I can't log into TPG Site Postoffice using my username and password. Both on Computer and iPhone.


Email client is OE Classic and I have windows 10 email set up and still get those error or AUTHENTICATION FAIL messages.



Level 3

and now I'm getting this...................................


[ERROR] - An error occurred. Account: "", Protocol: "POP", Task: POP get all messages, Server: "", Port: 995, TLS: Yes (1.2), Error message: "Error while disconnecting. Disconnect (failed). C: QUIT; R:" For more details look in "Log" tab - error messages are marked in red color.


@freezer101 . Do you have an alternate email address or someone who can send on your behalf?

Send to   saying you can't login to Post Office with your username.

Include the response returned in the browser window.

Say that you can login to MyAccount using same username and password.

Include the connection error message from OE just as additional info.


Hi @freezer101


What error message did you receive when you tried to login via TPG Post Office?


In order to confirm that we are looking at the correct account, please shoot me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number along with your TPG Email address.



Level 3
I'm having a similar problem... I've logged a ticket Thursday night and repeated attempts to get it escalated and resolved have resulted in nothing so far... Been without email for 4 days... Keep getting told it's escalated to the postmaster and that's it. Appears there are a fair few customers in the same boat. Either the email accounts have been blacklisted for some reason of there is something malicious going on. Would be nice to know the reasoning instead of no response being given by TPG staff. I've escalated again today and asked them to set a forward to a Gmail account I have in the meantime. Doesn't help for the 4 days of missing emails so far though...
Level 3

Mine is now working thank god. But if it goes on I will be looking for a NEW HOST AND NETWORK. I've had nothing but trouble with TPG email accounts this year and I'm at the end of my tether regarding these stupid problems!


Hi @megssss


We'd like to have a better understanding of the situation and see what we can do to expedite the resolution of the issue.


Shoot me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number.

