I do not have DSL line

Level 2

So I am a new customer to TPG and I recently purchased a NBN100 fibre updrage plan. To my understanding the installation will take 2-6weeks so in the mean time we have an interim plan. We received the internet router however we do not have a dsl port or a dsl line at all to connect it to. I have contacted the support team, they kept me on line for several hours however I can't say they were much help. All I'm asking is to know more details about an installation appointment and would not having a dsl line have an effect on the fibre upgrade?


Hi @remmy . Do you not have an NBN connection already? 

You can check your connection type for your address at nbnco.com.au.

If you are on FTTC or FTTN there is a copper cable to your house from the unit under footpath or from the node. This is normally underground to a pit next to your house, then connecting to the copper phone cable inside your house.

Upgrade to FTTP requires a bit of work inside your house to install the connection device.

Level 2

Alright I get that, however they said they'll need 2-6 weeks to install and link the FTTN to our house, do I just not have internet in the mean time even though I'm paying for it?


@remmy . If you have no pre-existing internet connection, I guess you'e stuck. You could hotspot via your mobile phone.

Regarding when your billing starts, open a new thread for that question. Will you be paying for a service that isn't installed, or will billing start when the installation is finished.

Regarding appointment, exterior work can be done anytime. A time would be arranged for interior work. Include this question also.

Level 7

In my case, moving from FTTN to FTTP, I was told that the increased rate would start from 'when data is flowing' which I took to mean once I had connected my router to the NBN NTD box.