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Expired certificate from mail server


Hi @BasilDV @Anonymous @Ahra_G . Some users are getting an expired certificate error in their email clients when connecting to; clients are using SSL/TLS. It started on Saturday night. Bad certificate is valid from 5/05/2015 to 7/05/2017. Bad cert is coming from RapidSSL rather than COMODO.

I thought it was fixed this morning because my client was working but I still got expired certificate. Do you have two mail servers, where one is still ok but the other has the bad certificate? I can make my client connect several times quickly and get a mix of success and fail.

@Miro @gavogr @Holden569 

Level 3

How do I stop this?


Thanks for bringing this matter to our attention, @david64 


I did see few customers complaining about the same issue regarding SSL/certificate error. I assumed this was mainly because of Apple update but we'd be happy to check if there's any underlying cause. 


I have since raised this concern to our PostMaster. Hopefully their team can shed some light with this one. 

I'll keep this you posted!  



Level 2

I'm getting the same message on my iPhone 6 Plus, and I haven't upgraded my IOS so doesn't seem like it's an Apple software issue.

Level 2

Several of us have been reporting this issue with both iOS and Windows10 environments.  BTW, the most recent iOS update well was installed on my two Apple devices well before the certificate issue emerged.  My third device which is presenting the same kind of message is on a year old PC with Windows10 installed.

Level 2

Any updates on this. Still happening here on Win 10 Outlook 365 Smiley Sad

Level 2
Level 2

This is really frustrating, hoping for a quick resolution please.


Started yesterday and been continuous.


thank you.


FYI  I havent done a recent apple update either


Level 2

Same with me. Windows 10 . Outlook 2016. Wondercom certificate expired, error, etc.

Started within past 24-48hrs for me.

Level 2

I've also had this problem since yesterday on my Win 10 PC.

Level 2

This is hardly encouraging information-'hopefully' a word when used in IT I shudder at!