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Closing web hosting

Level 4

Does anyone know what will happen when TPG pulls the plug on web site hosting?

Will they just turn off the server or purge the DNS of any reference to the site address or what?

We use the address in one of our email accounts and need to keep it going.



Hi @Ascidian99


Please visit this link for more info: Accessing your TPG Website files





@Ahra_G . It's been known for a while that the free webspace is only available to users who upgraded to NBN from ADSL, not for new NBN signups.


Recently, two users complained that they could not upload html files to the free webspace.


One user got this rather silly reply from the moderator:

"The free webspace is no longer available for our customers.

You may use a different FTP client to support your website."

It's saying the webspace is no longer available but to use a different FTP client to do uploads. So, it must still be available.

Well, one user found another FTP client ("Classic FTP") to do uploads to the webspace which does still exist. The other user took his website elsewhere.


The problem seens to be that the mechanism provided in MyAccount (which isn't a TPG facility) has made a change that affects html files. The webspace is still there but the standard method of uploading has been broken.


The link you provided describes downloading files from a web server to a local computer. It doesn't describe uploading, or why the method in MyAccount doesn't upload html files.

Level 4

Thank you for replying, however the question was what will happen to hosted web site domain names?

We have an email account that includes the domain name as it's email address.

If in withdrawing the hosted web site function the web site domain name is deleted from the DNS or other directory service, then our email address, that has been in use more than fifteen years and consequently known and use worldwide, will be toast until we find an alternative email provider who will support our domain name.



Hi @Ascidian99 


All of the data will be deleted or lost after 60 days of receiving a notification Email or SMS.


We advise customers to download their content as soon as possible or upon receiving the notification.



Level 4

I don't give a ** about the data, I've enough backup copies of that  - I'm asking about the address of the hosted web site used - Please read the question!


As advised on the message, all of the data will be deleted. This means that all of the associated data that's connected to the said website will be lost unless you'll save and transfer them to a new host.




@BasilDV . Is TPG terminating the free webspace function?

How would users know to download their webspace contents as soon as possible if they haven't received notification to do so?

Why not just email all users with entries in the webspace to remove their files and look around for a new hosting service?


Hi @Ascidian99 . I don't think the moderator understands your question. So you probably won't get a real answer.

You might check the Managed DNS function at I don't understand all that myself. 

$30 /yr.  ($A or $US?)



All of the users will receive a notification via Email or SMS regarding the webspace function.


They have 60 days upon receiving the notification to download all the data for them to transfer it to a new host.

