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How To Top Up TPG Mobile Prepaid Balance

Level 4
Tried logging with old customer id, new customer id, username, mobile number...incidentally I have few in the account . I tried with one of the mobile number.

It will do exactly same as what I reported. I think it didn't even log to old site with new customer id.

Trying clearing cookies etc... didn't work.

Will try again but doesn't looks like it is working...all I can log in to is original account page.
Not applicable

Hi @tps1212 ,


Let us help understand what causing issues with your log-in. Could you post the error message on this thread and flick me a message with your details?


How to send a PM? 




Tried logging with old customer id, new customer id, username, mobile number...incidentally I have few in the account . I tried with one of the mobile number.

It will do exactly same as what I reported. I think it didn't even log to old site with new customer id.

Trying clearing cookies etc... didn't work.

Will try again but doesn't looks like it is working...all I can log in to is original account page.

Level 4

pvt message sent.tpgerror1.jpg

Level 2

Is there any updates on this? I have the same issue: I log in into old portal (, then click on "Looking for your other services?", it seems to start loading my account info at, but gives "Something went wrong" message. I tried in different browsers, it does the same thing. Will be calling to support tomorrow, hopefully they can do something about it. Will update here on results

Level 2

Ok, as promissed, update after calling to TPG: some time ago there was a migration of accounts to new portal. Somehow I didn't see any Emails about, but old Customer ID (7 digits) was replaced with new one (10 digits). Not having properly setup the new account I had this message ("Something went wrong, etc"). Trying to use mobile number as login didn't work either. I had to request reset password using my mobile number as ID. I did this with TPG on the call and I think SMS with the required link didn't come automatically, but they sent it to me and after that I could login using my mobile and could find out my new ID in this account. 

Waiting time on the call sometimes long, but they have this option to call back when operator is available. I tried that and it worked fine, didn't have to spend 20 minutes listening to "relaxing" music. All good for me now.

Level 2

I have similar problem. I get a text saying they have debited my monthly payment, then later in the day my wife cannot call me as she has no credit. I would like an option where we can specify a top up amount(say $20) which TPG can debit when it gets below a certain amount (say $5). This system works works perfectly with the Myki transport card in Melbourne. I do not want to be bothered when my monthly payment is exhausted. As we are elderly it is very important that my wife can contact me when necessary.


Hi @mdavies5, we appreciate the feedback. We've provided the option to manually top-up to prevent any bill shock and provide customers the freedom to top-up their preferred amount. 


Most of our mobile plans offer Unlimited Talk & Text to Standard AU Numbers therefore eliminating the need to top-up outside your current plan. 


Would you like us to check out which plan works best for you based on your needs? Send us a private message and we'd be glad to assist! 



Level 2


I got your private message asking for more details and tried to reply by private message without success. First it said "invalid html" which I removed. Then it flagged your name and the subject as invalid so I cannot send you the details. Thanks for trying


Hi @mdavies5, let's try that again. Send a PM to me this time.

