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Recovery of email (deleted without warning by TPG) after account closed?

Level 3

I closed my TPG nbn account but did not get a chance to check/remove my emails from the mail address or save /download my invoices. 


In the past other ISP have left my email address active (some automatically, others for a fee) so I had time to sort it out -  but (sadly) not TPG. I wasn't even warned the access would end immediately :/ 


I cannot access my tpg account page to download the invoice /payment history either.


And I haven't got a refund for the overpaid sum either (even though TPG have my payment method to refund into).


How  can I get my account invoice history and email reactivated for a week to download my invoices and clear/save important emails? 


I hope somebody can actually help because it gets tiresome calling/emailing the customer service team. 



Hi @estherjames


Welcome to TPG Community! 


We'll check on your email recovery as the TPG email gets cancelled immediately once the broadband account is completely terminated. Also, we'll confirm your unused portion to see if we can process a refund. Send us a PM with your old TPG customer ID or username and we'll take it from there.

How do I private message (PM) in the community






HI Esther, just checking in to know if you have heard from the assigned Case Manager? 

Level 3

No the case manager has gone quiet (they've re-assigned 3 x which is indicative of the slowness of reply)... 



Not applicable

Hi @estherjames 


Expect our assigned case manager to contact you via email or phone call within the day.




No the case manager has gone quiet (they've re-assigned 3 x which is indicative of the slowness of reply)... 



Level 3

Well, they called/emailed but no progress (still). 


This is beginning to look a lot like retaliation, because I insisted my account be clsoed (after they ignored earlier requests). Seems strange that other posters to this forum can get access to their old emails but not me...  


Maybe the TIO will be interested...  




This will be forwarded to your case manager, @estherjames 


Updates will be provided via phone call or email again.



Level 3

Yes, amazingly they replied when I went public again.


They are refusing access to my personal emails - even though it's a short time (less than a month) since I asked them to close my account.


I am feeling very unhappy. 

Level 3

Interestingly TPG case manager agreed (by email this evening) they could (*and do*) recover customer emails 


BUT, they now claim there's a  'new policy' as of 7 June that applies to newly created email (noting it is some years since I opened my tpg account, and a few weeks after my account was closed) that they don't store emails anymore. 


Can you point me to this policy on the TPG public website please?   Why is TPG still helping customers access old emails here?  That doesn't make sense at all. 


Posting here for you to reply - it seems important that other users can compare notes and that TPG be publicly accountable for what seems to be inconistent messaging. 

Level 3

Hoping for some follow up here.