TPG Support

Level 3

Anyone tried changing plans via the TPG site?

Current PlanNBN Business XXL Bundle Superfast
ContractYou are currently not in contract


I was advised by NBN tech to switch to a lower speed plan.

The switching plans function "needs work". 

I'm using my own modem so I don't get VOIP for "securtiy rerasons", tired of that old chestnut too. TPG supplied modems are short on capability and "locked" so you can't update/upgrade them.

My current maximum achievable speed is approx 60/18 and slowly degrading. When it was first installed I was getting 78/35  and I'm paying for a NBN100 "superfast" bundle, so what are the feature differences between my above plan and say NBN50


Hi @Bolek . What type of NBN connection do you have? FTTN?

Level 3

I've got FTTN.

Been having seom reliabilty issues lately. The NBN tech advised I should switch to a lower speed plan because the infrastructure is not able to deliver the sppeds I'm paying for.

I tried to do this on the web site but just went around in circles because the website process was:

a) check NBN availiability at me address.

b) Inform me I already have NBN. Use change plan which took me back to step a).

It took a while to find the plan info on the website, perhap this could be checked out?

Since the network can't deliver what I'm paying for, I want to change to NBN50.




@Bolek . I can't help with change of plan.

TPG should have advised at the outset what speed you would get. With FTTN, speed depends on distance from the node and quality of the phone line. 

The router has DSL info showing current and max line speeds and SNR and error count.

After changing plan, if there seems to be a reliability problem, the phone line needs to be checked. 


Hi @Bolek


The maximum speeds you can actually receive are 17.08Mbps download and 19.1Mbps upload. The maximum speed that can be delivered to your premises is affected by several factors, including the length and quality of the copper wire going into your premises, electrical interference, and the cabling in your premises.


I believe an email was sent informing you of the above and was offered to switch to a lower plan. 


Let me know of your most convenient time to receive a call so we can organise a Plan Change Specialist to contact and assist you further.






I've got FTTN.

Been having seom reliabilty issues lately. The NBN tech advised I should switch to a lower speed plan because the infrastructure is not able to deliver the sppeds I'm paying for.

I tried to do this on the web site but just went around in circles because the website process was:

a) check NBN availiability at me address.

b) Inform me I already have NBN. Use change plan which took me back to step a).

It took a while to find the plan info on the website, perhap this could be checked out?

Since the network can't deliver what I'm paying for, I want to change to NBN50.




@Ahra_G . How come the download speed is slower than upload speed? It's the same 2 strands of copper wire for download and upload. Sounds like a configuration problem.



Hi @david64, this was the information provided by NBN Co. The user was just one of the many who was offered to downgrade their plan due to line capability concerns. 


@Ahra_G . So, this user cannot even achieve speeds of NBN25 plan. 

It was my impression that TPG can check the line sync speeds themselves, not have to ask NBN.

User was getting 75/38 at the start, dropping to 60/18 (good speed for NBN50), but still slowing down. 

Now you're saying max download speed is 17 Mbps. What is causing it to slow down?

This user would be better to move to 5G wireless broadband with another provider.



Level 3

Sorrry if this reply is a bit late, I don't come here often.


Speed just now is 59.96 down and 18.76 down. As long as I've been involved in IT, this mismatch in speed has always been there. It stems from the notion that capacity (from the providors viewpoint) can be preserved by limiting the upload speed. Mostly because no-one types at the speed you want downloads to work, and most comms protocols only require short messages in response to download packets.


Anyway, Still not gone to the lower NBN50 plan, because wtill a crappoy website. Laugh everytime I hear "Customer focussed".


Hi @Bolek


If you are having problems in changing your plan online, we can arrange a call from our Plan change team to assist you.

Shoot me a PM with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.

