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Transfer of email service problems

Level 3
I have chosen to transfer my TPG email to The Messenger Co.
I transferred as per instructions several weeks ago. Last week email hung in space for over an hour before finally appearing in my Outbox. I immediately then received error 452 "To many recipients ". Also now receiving duplicate emails for each message when I log on and DL to my PC. Emails also now still remain in Web mail. TODAY cannot log on TO TPG Web mail?
Are these signs of the new service we are going to receive??
No notice from TPG as the when official transfer date is/was. Nothing from TMC.
ps still having problems sending emails.

Hi @Alleycat 


What is the error message you are receiving upon logging into the webmail? 


Double check the Outgoing mail settings on your email client. Check it here:


Let us know how it goes.



Level 4

Using Thunderbird client - I'm having similar problems in that I'm unable to send but can receive.  Config not changed at all since it worked pre cutover & matches the primary account holder, which is able to receive & send. 

Here is the error message when I attempt a send:

"Sending of the message failed.
An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: mf-505: Sender Policy - Relay Denied. Please verify that your email address is correct in your account settings and try again."


We'd like to check on this further @Ascidian99.


Please send us a private message with your account details along with the screenshot of your current outgoing mail settings.



Level 4

I've now edited my outgoing SMTP serverto my name (slave user) instead of the primary account name as I suspect that TMC don't bother with primaries & slaves.  Now I get as far as requiring a password but I have yet to find one that works.  Run out of time for tonight, will try later unless you can suggest a quicker solution

Level 4

tried using my PO user name which for some reason has always differed from my email name - but this worked with my PO password.  Will have to check further to see if I've introduce anomalies elsewhere.

But TMC setup isn't quite the same as the TPG one - some mods may be required.

Not applicable

Hi @Ascidian99 ,


If you are using an older mail client or operating system on your device and if you experience any issues with sending or receiving emails, you might be affected by the discontinuation of TLS 1.0 and 1.1.

If this is the case, we suggest updating your mail client (Mail, Thunderbird, Outlook, etc) and operating system. We recommend checking for any updates for your mail client that support TLS 1.2 or higher (ideally upgrade to the latest version).




tried using my PO user name which for some reason has always differed from my email name - but this worked with my PO password.  Will have to check further to see if I've introduce anomalies elsewhere.

But TMC setup isn't quite the same as the TPG one - some mods may be required.


Hi @Ascidian99 . To resolve your username/password issue, set security to NONE, SMTP port to 25 or 587, and POP3 port to 110.

Then set security to SSL/TLS, SMTP port to 465, and POP3 port to 995.

Mail server name:

If your client is using TLS 1.0 or 1.1, its connection attempt to the mail server will fail.


What version of Thunderbird are you using?


Regarding transfer to TMC, you had to register the primary email address and slave addresses. Each one would have received a link to validate the address.

It's hard to know where the mail system is currently (TPG or TMC?) since the login screen has been changed.


Regarding error message: Sender Policy - Relay Denied

This means that you are trying to send the mail from an outgoing mail server (SMTP) other than the one that is associated to your mailbox, and that the outgoing mail server does not allow such an action.

Possibly, you're connecting to wrong server or server doesn't know your username.



Level 4

Thanks David but as described above I'd already found and resolved the problem.  In TPG my user name/address was a slave and made use of the name/address of the primary account holder for the outgoing server.

TMS doesn't support primary/slave relationship so by changing the name/address to my own for the outgoing server resolved the  problem.



Level 2

... having exactly the same problem with one of my iinet email accounts ...